
  • 本文关键字:句子 结束 另一个 是否 一个 python
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  • 英文 :


New York is in New York State
D.C. is the capital of United States
The weather is cool in the south of that country.
Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a.


is cool in the south of that country

输出应为:The weather is cool in the south of that country.

如果我有一个类似of United States The weather is cool的输入,输出应该是:

D.C. is the capital of United States The weather is cool in the south of that country.



sentences="""New York is in New York State
D.C. is the capital of United States
The weather is cool in the south of that country
Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a""".split("n")
ends   =  { tuple(sWords[i:]):sWords[:i] for s in sentences
for sWords in [s.split()] for i in range(len(sWords)) }
starts  = { tuple(sWords[:i]):sWords[i:] for s in sentences
for sWords in [s.split()] for i in range(1,len(sWords)+1) }
def extendSentence(sentence):
sWords   = sentence.split(" ")
prefix   = next( (ends[p] for i in range(1,len(sWords)+1)
for p in [tuple(sWords[:i])] if p in ends),
suffix   = next( (starts[p] for i in range(len(sWords))
for p in [tuple(sWords[i:])] if p in starts),
return " ".join(prefix + [sentence] + suffix)


print(extendSentence("of United States The weather is cool"))
# D.C. is the capital of United States The weather is cool in the south of that country
print(extendSentence("is cool in the south of that country"))
# The weather is cool in the south of that country

