当' function [] _ = ..;函数_ []= ..语法省略


disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys)
    | null l || null r   = True
    | x == y             = False
    | x > y              = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
    | otherwise          = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
-- | Terminates when either list has been reduced to null, or when their head
-- elements are equal. Since lists are ordered, it only needs to compare head elements.


disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint [] _ = True
disjoint _ [] = True
disjoint l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys)
--  | null l || null r   = True -- now redundant, but included for sake of continuity
    | x == y             = False
    | x > y              = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
    | otherwise          = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list

没有这些额外的行,我得到一个PatternMatchFail。如果我要推断Haskell的问题在第一种情况下是什么,那就是,如果给定一个输入参数的空列表,它的预期参数l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys)已经调用了一个模式匹配,一个在空列表的情况下是非详尽的,导致PatternMatchFail,尽管有一个检查完全相同条件的保护条件。它永远无法达到保护条件,因为它首先需要匹配"参数条件"。



disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys)
    | x == y             = False
    | x > y              = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
    | otherwise          = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
disjoint _ _ = True -- catch all pattern, executed if either l or r is []


disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l@ ~(x:xs) r@ ~(y:ys) -- the ~ here says that this is an irrefutable pattern, which makes the match more lazy
    | null l || null r   = True -- x/y is not required, so pattern not checked
    | x == y             = False
    | x > y              = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
    | otherwise          = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list



disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l r
    | null l || null r   = True
       -- If the guard above fails, then this pattern match is attempted:
disjoint l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys)
    | x == y             = False
    | x > y              = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
    | otherwise          = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list

这里有点过分,我个人更喜欢显式模式匹配而不是null (bennofs答案中第一个代码块的风格是我想要的),但是这种通用技术在某些情况下很方便。


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