我们如何使用PayPal Payflow Pro帐户在同一网站中返回金额

我们如何使用PayPal Payflow Pro帐户在同一网站中返回扣除额?

我正在使用PayPal Payflow Pro帐户作为我的一个申请。它确实进行了交易,但不会返回扣除额的细节。我使用的是首次使用PayPal Payflow帐户。因此,如果有人在与我分享之前做过这样的工作。


protected NameValueCollection httpRequestVariables()
    var post = Request.Form;       // $_POST
    var get = Request.QueryString; // $_GET
    return Merge(post, get);
if (!IsPostBack)
        string output = "";
        if (httpRequestVariables()["RESULT"] != null)
            HttpContext.Current.Session["payflowresponse"] = httpRequestVariables();
            output += "<script type="text/javascript">window.top.location.href = "" + url + "";</script>";
            BodyContentDiv.InnerHtml = output;
var payflowresponse = HttpContext.Current.Session["payflowresponse"] as NameValueCollection;
            if (payflowresponse != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Session["payflowresponse"] = null;
                bool success = payflowresponse["RESULT"] == "0";
                if (success)
                    output += "<span style='font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;'>Transaction approved! Thank you for your order.</span>";
                    output += "<span style='font-family:sans-serif;'>Transaction failed! Please try again with another payment method.</span>";

                output += "<p>(server response follows)</p>n";
                output += print_r(payflowresponse);
                AdvancedDemoContent.InnerHtml = output;

public string print_r(Object obj)
        string output = "<pre>n";
        if (obj is NameValueCollection)
            NameValueCollection nvc = obj as NameValueCollection;
            output += "RESULT" + "=" + nvc["RESULT"] + "n";
            output += "PNREF" + "=" + nvc["PNREF"] + "n";
            output += "RESPMSG" + "=" + nvc["RESPMSG"] + "n";
            output += "AUTHCODE" + "=" + nvc["AUTHCODE"] + "n";
            output += "CVV2MATCH" + "=" + nvc["CVV2MATCH"] + "n";
            output += "AMT" + "=" + nvc["AMT"] + "n";
            output += "UNKNOWN TYPE";
        output += "</pre>";
        return output;

转到您的PayPal商家帐户 ->配置文件 ->销售首选项 ->网站付款首选项 ->网站付款的自动返回the tod doad doad doad doad of on,默认情况下应该关闭它交易后,请确保该值存储在您的数据库中。我希望这对您有所帮助
