c语言 - 必须使用"%.4s"的精度修饰符才能显示"char[4]",为什么简单的"%s"不能正常工作?




BUT如果我给%s -> %.4s写修饰符,printf()函数正确打印所有内容:"RIFF","WAVE","fmt","data"。它只显示每个char[4]记录的前4个符号。但是那些没有显示出来的符号呢?


Enter input and output filenames (with no extension):
Opening file: "europe_-_final_countdown.wav" has been successfully opened.
       ChunkID: RIFF4?AWAVEfmt     // instead of "RIFF"
     ChunkSize: 54629940
        Format: WAVEfmt            // instead of "WAVE"
   SubChunk1ID: fmt                // here is "fmt " -> ok
 SubChunk1Size: 16
   AudioFormat: 1
   NumChannels: 2
    SampleRate: 44100
      ByteRate: 176400
    BlockAlign: 4
 BitsPerSample: 16
   SubChunk2ID: data?A             // instead of "data"
 SubChunk2Size: 54629904
Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 34.554 s
Press ENTER to continue.


#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 255
typedef unsigned short byte2;
typedef unsigned int   byte4;
struct header
    // totally 44 bytes;        endian (all the rest are little)
    // RIFF
    char    ChunkID[4];         // big
    byte4   ChunkSize;
    char    Format[4];          // big
    // fmt
    char    SubChunk1ID[4];     // big
    byte4   SubChunk1Size;
    byte2   AudioFormat;
    byte2   NumChannels;
    byte4   SampleRate;
    byte4   ByteRate;
    byte2   BlockAlign;
    byte2   BitsPerSample;
    // data
    char    SubChunk2ID[4];     // big
    byte4   SubChunk2Size;
struct header hdr;

int main()
    char nameInput[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    char nameOutput[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    printf("Enter input and output filenames (with no extension):n");
    scanf("%s", nameInput);
    strcat(nameInput, ".wav");
    //printf("nameInput: %s", nameInput);
    scanf ("%s", nameOutput);
    strcat(nameOutput, ".wav");
    //printf("nameInput: %s", nameOutput);
    /// Opening the input file.
    FILE *input = fopen(nameInput, "rb");
    if (input == NULL)
        printf ("Opening file: Couldn’t open file %s; %s.n",
                 nameInput, strerror (errno));
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
        printf("Opening file: "%s" has been successfully opened.n",

    /// copying header (first 44 bytes) to `hdr`
    char buf[44];
    fread(&hdr, 1, sizeof(buf), input);

    /// hdr
    printf("       ChunkID: %sn",     hdr.ChunkID   );         // Contains the letters "RIFF" in ASCII.
    printf("     ChunkSize: %dn",     hdr.ChunkSize );         // 36 + SubChunk2Size (which we don't mention)
    printf("        Format: %sn",     hdr.Format    );         // Contains the letters "WAVE"
    printf("   SubChunk1ID: %sn",     hdr.SubChunk1ID   );  // Contains the letters "fmt "
    printf(" SubChunk1Size: %dn",     hdr.SubChunk1Size );  // 16 for PCM.  This is the size of the rest of the Subchunk which follows this number.
    printf("   AudioFormat: %dn",     hdr.AudioFormat   );  // PCM = 1 (i.e. Linear quantization). Values other than 1 indicate some form of compression.
    printf("   NumChannels: %dn",     hdr.NumChannels   );  // Mono = 1, Stereo = 2, etc.
    printf("    SampleRate: %dn",     hdr.SampleRate    );  // 8000, 44100, etc.
    printf("      ByteRate: %dn",     hdr.ByteRate      );  // == SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8
    printf("    BlockAlign: %dn",     hdr.BlockAlign    );  // == NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8. The number of bytes for one sample including all channels.
    printf(" BitsPerSample: %dn",     hdr.BitsPerSample );  // 8 bits = 8, 16 bits = 16, etc.
    printf("   SubChunk2ID: %sn",     hdr.SubChunk2ID);
    printf(" SubChunk2Size: %dn",     hdr.SubChunk2Size);
    /// ...
    return 0;




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