下面是我的代码:Dim Pictures As New Hashtable
Dim pic As DictionaryEntry
Dim retValPic As SimpleImageUpload = New SimpleImageUpload()
Dim button As String = hfPictureIndex.Value
PictureInfo.PictureIndex = Convert.ToInt16(button)
Pictures.Add("1", ImageUploaderPerson1.ID.ToString())
Pictures.Add("2", ImageUploaderPerson2.ID.ToString())
For Each pic In Pictures
If pic.Key.ToString() = button.ToString() Then
retValPic = pic.Value '*trying to convert it here!
'** Saving Picture
If retValPic.HasImage Then
End If
Dim Pictures As New Dictionary(Of String, SimpleImageUpload)
Dim retValPic As SimpleImageUpload = New SimpleImageUpload()
Dim button As String = hfPictureIndex.Value
PictureInfo.PictureIndex = Convert.ToInt16(button)
Pictures.Add("1", ImageUploaderPerson1)
Pictures.Add("2", ImageUploaderPerson2)
For Each pic as KeyValuePair(Of String, SimpleImageUpload) In Pictures
If pic.Key.ToString() = button.ToString() Then
retValPic = pic.Value '*trying to convert it here!
'** Saving Picture
If retValPic.HasImage Then
End If