
如何在 c# 中执行此操作?

如果波形数据的格式使得 time = 0 处的值可以索引为波形 [0],波的下一个"帧"可以索引为波形 [1],并且波的"帧"的最大值为 1,波的"帧"的最小值为 -1, (并且两个波的长度以"帧"为单位相同(,那么我认为这应该有效:(未经测试(

//WaveForm 1 is w1 and WaveForm 2 is w2.
Stack<float> temp = new Stack<float>();
for(int i = 0; i < w1.Length; i++)
//differenceFactor is the variable that decides what difference means.
//at a value of 1, then a two waves with indexes -0.5 and 0.5 will be "100%" 
//different. At a value of 0.5f then two waves with indexes -0.5 and 0.5 will be 
//"50%" different. According to what I see, if differenceFactor > 1f then wave 
//indexes greater than 1 unit apart are more than "100%" different, so probably don't 
//do that.
float difference = Math.Abs(w1[i] - w2[i]);
temp.Push(((difference < differenceFactor) ? difference : differenceFactor) * 0.5f);
return temp.Average();


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