Symfony 3.4 CLI:未定义命令"doctrine:generate:entity"

我正在使用Symfony 3.4,两周前我在这个项目中多次使用doctrine:generate:entity,今天我遇到了一个问题,我不知道是什么原因!

$ php bin/console doctrine:generate:entity AppBundle:Payement 

Command "doctrine:generate:entity" is not defined.  

Did you mean one of these?                          

命令 doctrine:generate:entity, form & crud disappers from the CLI :

$ bin/console | grep "doctrine"
doctrine:cache:clear-collection-region  Clear a second-level cache collection region.
doctrine:cache:clear-entity-region      Clear a second-level cache entity region.
doctrine:cache:clear-metadata           Clears all metadata cache for an entity manager
doctrine:cache:clear-query              Clears all query cache for an entity manager
doctrine:cache:clear-query-region       Clear a second-level cache query region.
doctrine:cache:clear-result             Clears result cache for an entity manager
doctrine:cache:contains                 Check if a cache entry exists
doctrine:cache:delete                   Delete a cache entry
doctrine:cache:flush                    [doctrine:cache:clear] Flush a given cache
doctrine:cache:stats                    Get stats on a given cache provider
doctrine:database:create                Creates the configured database
doctrine:database:drop                  Drops the configured database
doctrine:database:import                Import SQL file(s) directly to Database.
doctrine:ensure-production-settings     Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
doctrine:generate:entities              [generate:doctrine:entities] Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
doctrine:mapping:convert                [orm:convert:mapping] Convert mapping information between supported formats.
doctrine:mapping:import                 Imports mapping information from an existing database
doctrine:query:dql                      Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
doctrine:query:sql                      Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
doctrine:schema:create                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schema
doctrine:schema:drop                    Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schema
doctrine:schema:update                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
doctrine:schema:validate                Validate the mapping files.


if ('dev' === $this->getEnvironment()) {
//$bundles[] = new SensioBundleGeneratorBundleSensioGeneratorBundle();
$bundles[] = new SymfonyBundleWebServerBundleWebServerBundle();


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