Python(Ubuntu 16.04.1上的2.7.12版) - 函数(类似于lambda返回元素2)不能用作排序的关



有人可以解释我尝试使用该函数而不是lambda时在这里做错了什么 - 似乎我假设参数如何传递到从排序键传递到lambda变量,如果使用功能。



sep = "n----------------n"
student_tuples = [
        ('john', 'A', 15),
        ('jane', 'C', 10),
        ('dave', 'D', 12),
print sep, "plain student_tuples on each line"
for x in student_tuples:
    print x, type(x)
print sep, "show lambda is returning element 2 of each nested tuple"
for line in student_tuples:
    ld = (lambda x: x[2])(line)
    print ld, type(ld)
print sep, "show sorted is passing each tuple to lambda in key="
st = sorted(student_tuples, key=lambda x: x[2])
for s in st:
    print s
#   the above suggests (to me), that key=whatever in sorted is passing 
#   each element (or nested tuple) from the parent tuple 
#   into the replacable x parameter of the lambda, (which returns element 2.) 
#   therefore, I should be able to replace the lambda with a function 
#   that does the same thing, and the key= part of sorted should pass 
#   each tuple to the replacable paramter of the function too.
#       define a function that should do the same as the lambda
def slice_2(a):
    return a[2]
print sep, "function, slice_2 on its own for student_tuples"
for line in student_tuples:
    s2 = slice_2(line)
    print s2, type(s2)
print sep, "sorted should pass data into slice_2 functions replacable paramter"
sf = sorted( student_tuples, key=slice_2(y) )
for l in sf:
    print l

# end of script #


plain student_tuples on each line
('john', 'A', 15) <type 'tuple'>
('jane', 'C', 10) <type 'tuple'>
('dave', 'D', 12) <type 'tuple'>
show lambda is returning element 2 of each nested tuple
15 <type 'int'>
10 <type 'int'>
12 <type 'int'>
show sorted is passing each tuple to lambda in key=
('jane', 'C', 10)
('dave', 'D', 12)
('john', 'A', 15)
function, slice_2 on its own for student_tuples
15 <type 'int'>
10 <type 'int'>
12 <type 'int'>
sorted should pass data into slice_2 functions replacable paramter
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 88, in <module>
    sf = sorted( student_tuples, key=slice_2(y) )
NameError: name 'y' is not defined



sf = sorted(student_tuples, key=slice_2)
