
  • 本文关键字:问题 代码 包含模 c
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这里的问题是我希望代码正确说出数字(1st,2nd,3rd,21st,22nd,23rd等),更不用说11,12,13的问题(可以很容易地修复),但是为什么这个简单的模[(i+1 % 10)==1/2/3]仅适用于1,2和3,并且从不工作,所以它从else{}产生"th"?它应该是直截了当的,但是如果你取任何数字,例如数组的位置 22 (22+1 % 10) 显然是 3!所以它应该满足条件(请注意 +1 是由于 0 索引)

for (int i = 0; i < arrLenght; i++)
    if (array[i] == key)
        if ((i+1 % 10) == 1)
            printf("bravo! %i is the %ist number of the array! it's address is %pn", key, i+1, &array[i]);
        else if ((i+1 % 10) == 2)
            printf("bravo! %i is the %ind number of the array! it's address is %pn", key, i+1, &array[i]);
        else if ((i+1 % 10) == 3)
            printf("bravo! %i is the %ird number of the array! it's address is %pn", key, i+1, &array[i]);
            printf("bravo! %i is the %ith number of the array! it's address is %pn", key, i+1, &array[i]);
        return 1;


printf("%d", 20+1 % 10);   // 21
printf("%d", (20+1) % 10); // 1


// Use an array to store the superscripts
const char *sup[] = {
 "th", "st", "nd", "rd"
for (int i = 0; i < arrLenght; i++)
    if (array[i] == key)
        // Evaluate the index, remembering operator precedence
        int idx = (i + 1) % 10;
        if (idx > 3)
            idx = 0;   // Default to 'th'
        printf("bravo! %i is the %i%s number of the array! it's address is %pn"
              , key, i + 1
              , sup[idx]        // ^^ print the superscript       
              , (void *)&array[i]);  // the format specifier %p requires a (void *) pointer
        return 1;
