. bat文件定位一个特定的文件名和所有者,并移动



*****这是我收集到目前为止…不能让这个工作。您还会注意到,我不确定如何告诉它搜索文件的特定所有者…ie (Jane Doe)和文件名(Testing),如果全部匹配,移动到另一个目录*****

@echo OFF
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "source=C:Usersandrew.mossDesktopTest1"
set "target=C:Usersandrew.mossDesktopTest2"
set "searchString=Testing"
set "found="
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('
    findstr /m /i /l /c:"%Testing%" "%C:Usersandrew.mossDesktopTest1%" 2^>nul 
') do (
    if not defined found set "found=1"
    echo move "%%a" "%C:Usersandrew.mossDesktopTest2%"
if not defined found (
    echo Failure


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_SOURCE=."       & rem // (path to directory where to search for files)
set "_TARGET=.."      & rem // (path to directory where to move found files)
set "_PATTERN=test.*" & rem // (file name pattern; may contain wild-cards)
set "$RECURSIVE=#"    & rem // (set to non-empty value to search sub-dir.s)
set "$OWNER=aschipfl" & rem /* (login name of owner; may be preceded with
                        rem     domain and a backslash, like `DOMAIN`) */
rem // Predefine recursive option:
if defined $RECURSIVE set "$RECURSIVE=/S"
rem // Split domain off of owner:
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims= eol= " %%C in ("%$OWNER%") do (
    if not "%%D"=="" (
        set "$DOMAIN=%%C"
        set "$OWNER=%%D"
    ) else set "$DOMAIN="
rem /* Loop through all matching files in the given location found by `dir`;
rem    the `/Q` option lets include domain/owner in the output; `findstr`
rem    filters out lines beginning with ` `, hence headers and footers: */
pushd "%_SOURCE%" || exit /B 1
for /F "tokens=4,*" %%E in ('
    dir /Q /N /-C %$RECURSIVE% /A:-D "%_PATTERN%" ^
        ^| findstr /V /B /C:" "
') do (
    rem // Reset flag:
    set "FLAG="
    rem // Check whether certain domain has been specified:
    if defined $DOMAIN (
        rem // Domain specified, so domain and owner must match:
        if /I "%%E"=="%$DOMAIN%%$OWNER%" (
            rem // Match encountered, hence set flag:
            set "FLAG=#"
    ) else (
        rem // Domain not specified, so owner must match only:
        set "OWN=%%E"
        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem // Dismiss domain of currently iterated file item:
        set "OWN=!OWN:*=!"
        rem // Check whether owner matches:
        if "!OWN!"=="%$OWNER%" (
            rem // Match encountered, hence set flag:
            set "FLAG=#"
        ) else endlocal
    rem // Check whether flag is set:
    if defined FLAG (
        rem /* Flag is set, hence do something with current file item;
        rem    here, the file is moved to the given target directory;
        rem    remove the `if exist` query to force overwriting: */
        if not exist "%_TARGET%%%~nxF" (
            > nul move /Y "%%~fF" "%_TARGET%"
exit /B

有许多解释性注释。核心命令是dir /Q,它能够返回文件的所有者。请注意,它返回以域名和反斜杠开头的登录名,例如DOMAINjdoe。因此,您需要在脚本中以这种方式指定所有者。您可以省略域前缀,在这种情况下,域将被忽略。但是,您不能指定显示用户名,例如Jane Doe,因为这将无法识别。

