包含对象的 JSTL 会话哈希映射 - 如何打印对象

我有一个 Servlet,它收集表单数据,进行数据库查询,检索数据,并将其放入哈希映射中。如下面:

ResultSet rs = d.execute(SQL);

        // Get session and and create hash map (fhMap is flight-hash-map)
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        HashMap<Long, UserFlightsBean> fhMap = new HashMap<Long, UserFlightsBean>();
        while(rs.next()) {
            int FlightNumber = rs.getInt("FlightNumber");
            String Operator = rs.getString("Operator");
            String Source = rs.getString("Source");
            String DepartureTime = rs.getString("DepartureTime");
            String Destination = rs.getString("Destination");
            String ArrivalTime = rs.getString("ArrivalTime");
            int Cost = rs.getInt("Cost");
            int Seats = rs.getInt("SeatsAvailable");
            // Get session, get UserFlightsBean, set session UserFlightsBean
            UserFlightsBean ufb = new UserFlightsBean(FlightNumber, Operator, Source, DepartureTime, Destination, ArrivalTime, Cost, Seats);
            fhMap.put((long) FlightNumber, ufb);
            System.out.println(FlightNumber + "t" + Operator + "t" + Source + "t" + DepartureTime + "t" + Destination + "t" + ArrivalTime + "t" + Cost + "t" + Seats + "t");
        // Add hash map "fhMap" to session bean
        session.setAttribute("fhMap", fhMap);

如您所见,我使用查询创建了一个对象,数据库中的每一行都是我放入哈希映射的对象,然后将哈希映射添加到会话中,以便我可以在我的 jsp 页面上访问它。

在jsp页面上,我得到了会话哈希映射,现在我正在尝试打印出对象的元素,这就是我的问题所在。我的 jsp 页面代码如下:

        HashMap <Long, UserFlightsBean> printMap = (HashMap <Long, UserFlightsBean>)session.getAttribute("fhMap");
        pageContext.setAttribute("objects", printMap);
    <c:forEach items="${objects}" var="entry">
        Key is ${entry.key} <%-- these two for testing purposes --%>
        value = ${entry.value}<br>
            <c:forEach var="junk" items="${value.UserFlightsBean}">




`<c:forEach items="${objects}" var="entry">
        Key is ${entry.key} <%-- these two for testing purposes --%>
