从内部ng repeat访问ng repeat$索引

知道ng repeat创建了一个作用域,如何从子ng-repeat访问父ng repeat的$index


<div ng-repeat="first in arr">
   here there is the first level $index
   <div ng-repeat="second in first.arr">
         in here I need access to the first level $index



<div ng-repeat="first in arr">
   here there is the first level $index
   <div ng-repeat="second in first.arr">
         in here I need access to the first level {{$parent.$index}}


<div ng-repeat="first in arr" ng-init="parentIndex=$index">
   here there is the first level $index
   <div ng-repeat="second in first.arr">
         in here I need access to the first level {{parentIndex}}
<div ng-repeat="first in [1,2,3]">
 here there is the first level {{$index}}
 <div ng-repeat="second in ['a', 'b', 'c']">
     in here I need access to the first level {{$parent.$index}} / {{$index}}


here there is the first level 0
in here I need access to the first level 0 / 0
in here I need access to the first level 0 / 1
in here I need access to the first level 0 / 2
here there is the first level 1
in here I need access to the first level 1 / 0
in here I need access to the first level 1 / 1
in here I need access to the first level 1 / 2
here there is the first level 2
in here I need access to the first level 2 / 0
in here I need access to the first level 2 / 1
in here I need access to the first level 2 / 2
