

//board set up
let finalSquare = 25
var playersLocation: Int = 0
var players: [String: Int] = ["a": 0, "b": 0, "c":0]

var won = false
var board = [Int](count: finalSquare + 1, repeatedValue: 0)
board[03] = +08; board[06] = +11; board[09] = +09; board[10] = +02
board[14] = -10; board[19] = -11; board[22] = -02; board[24] = -08
//roll the dice
func rollDice ()->Int {
    let value = Int(arc4random_uniform(6)+1)
    return value

var count: Int = 0

while(won == false){
for (player, location ) in players{
    //this is the player first location
    print("player (player) is now at (location)")
    // roll the dice and move the player
    var advance =  location + rollDice()
    print("now I roll the dice and player (player) move (advance) step ")
    //check if the index is still on the board, and if it hits the magic number
    if advance < board.count {
        //create the magic number and plus with the advance
        var magicNumber: Int = board[advance]
        print("the magic number is (magicNumber)")
        //adding the magicNumber to advance
        advance = advance + magicNumber
        //check the number after magicNumber added
        print("after adding the magic number, the current position is (advance)")
    //check if the player exceeds the board number
    if advance >= board.count {
        var won = true
        print("player (player) won")
        advance = advance + rollDice()
        print("not win yet, after I add the number from the roll dice it advance to (advance)")
        won = false


//player b is now at 0//
//now I roll the dice and player b move 5 step //
//the magic number is 0//
//after adding the magic number, the current position is 5//
//not win yet, after I add the number from the roll dice it advance to 6//


//player b is now at 0//
//now I roll the dice and player b move 6 step// 
//the magic number is 11//
//after adding the magic number, the current position is 17//
//not win yet, after I add the number from the roll dice it advance to 22//



//check the number after magicNumber added
print("after adding the magic number, the current position is (advance)")
// update the player location                    
players[player] = advance
