分配给在 FOR 循环 mysql 查询 PHP 中使用的数组列表


$b = array(Jan, Feb, March);
$c = array(idle, active);
$hr_ne3 = "SELECT any statement WHERE b = 'Jan' AND c = 'idle'";
$result_hr_ne3 = mysql_query($hr_ne3);

所以查询的条件将遵循数组。 1月->伊德尔, 二月->伊德尔, 三月-> 然后继续 1 月->活跃、2 月->活跃、3 月->活跃

有人有想法和指南来查询这种流程吗? 表格布局应如下所示


$b = array("Jan", "Feb", "March");
$c = array("idle", "active");
foreach($b as $itemB) {
$hr_ne3 = "SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = '".$itemB."' AND c = '".$c[0]."'";
$result_hr_ne3 = mysql_query($hr_ne3);
//echo $hr_ne3."n";
foreach($b as $itemC) {
$hr_ne3 = "SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = '".$itemC."' AND c = '".$c[1]."'";
$result_hr_ne3 = mysql_query($hr_ne3);
//echo $hr_ne3."n";


SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'Jan' AND c = 'idle'
SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'Feb' AND c = 'idle'
SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'March' AND c = 'idle'
SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'Jan' AND c = 'active'
SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'Feb' AND c = 'active'
SELECT any statement WHERE AND b = 'March' AND c = 'active'
$b = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'March');
$c = array('idle', 'active');
$result_array = array();
foreach($c as $key){
foreach ($b as $value) {
$query          = "SELECT any statement WHERE b = '".$value."' AND c = '".$key."'";
$result         = mysql_query($query);
$result_array[] = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
echo "<pre/>";print_r($result_array);
