使用 R 中的邮件包将文本消息和 HTML 表作为消息正文发送

  • 本文关键字:消息 HTML 正文 文本 使用 r
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :

send.mail(from = "abc@gmail.com",
to = c("abc@gmail.com"),
subject = mail_subject,
body = "High_loss_gain_Imprsn_accounts.html",
attach.files = "c:/users/rkathuria/Documents/ACCOUNT_BLOCK_NO_COST_MONITOR.xlsx",
smtp = list(host.name = "aspmx.l.google.com", port = 25),
authenticate = FALSE,
send = TRUE)

send.mail;的正文部分,我想发送这个html表和一条"你好"消息。但是,它要么接受我的消息,要么接受 html 表。

body = "High_loss_gain_Imprsn_accounts.html"---->此行在邮件正文中打印我的表。body = "Hello"-->这行打印你好。

如何在邮件正文中组合在一起? <------------------------------------------------------------------------------->如果我使用 tableHTML 包并编写我的代码而不是 xtable,它将解决我在带有主题的邮件中添加 2 个表的目的吗?

mail_body1<-tableHTML(High_loss_gain_Imprsn_accounts, widths = rep(100, 11), caption="Hi, High gain loss account", collapse = 'separate')
mail_subject<-paste("Account Block No Cost Monitor ", Sys.Date()-1)
send.mail(from = "abc@gmail.com",
to = c("abc@gmail.com"),
subject = mail_subject,
body = mail_body,
attach.files = "c:/users/rkathuria/Documents/ACCOUNT_BLOCK_NO_COST_MONITOR.xlsx",
smtp = list(host.name = "aspmx.l.google.com", port = 25, ssl = TRUE),
authenticate = FALSE,
send = TRUE)


我之前一直在努力解决这个问题,我能找到的最佳解决方案是使用xtable生成一个带有标题的 html 表:

table <- data.frame(a = LETTERS[1:6],
b = LETTERS[7:12])
mailR::send.mail(from = "XXXXXXXX",
to = "XXXXXXXX",
subject = "Hello World",
body = xtable::print.xtable(xtable::xtable(table, 
caption = "Hello World"), 
type = "html", 
caption.placement = "top",
include.rownames = FALSE),
html = TRUE,
smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", 
port = 465, 
user.name = "XXXXXXXX",            
passwd = "XXXXXXXX", 
ssl = TRUE),
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE)

问题是您只能将一个对象或路径传递给body.因此,如果您想拥有多个标题行,我认为您需要更改您的 html 对象(我还没有测试如果您在标题中放入更多文本会发生什么,所以这可能也有效(。
