
我一直试图在我的 Qualtrics 调查中包含可扩展/可折叠的文本,但似乎无法让它工作。我已将其放入描述性文本部分,并将其粘贴到html视图中。调查设计部分的问题本身似乎使用了 html,但是当我单击预览时,文本不可展开/折叠。所有文本都在那里,包括应该隐藏的内容。有没有人知道如何实现这一目标?以下是实现此方法的最新和最简单的尝试:

<summary>What is the purpose of the research?</summary>
To help us explore feelings of ownership.
<summary>What does the study involve?</summary>
You completing this survey.



  1. 将以下函数复制并粘贴到以下文本字段中("外观">"高级">"标题"(。这允许函数位于调查的div 中的某个位置,以便在需要时调用。

    //This method shows the tooltip text when the project text is clicked
    function showTooltipOnClick(){
    var toolTips = document.getElementsByClassName('tip');//the project text is identified by the className 'tip'
    //Iterate through all project text elements to add a function when the text is clicked
    for(var i = 0; i <toolTips.length; i++){
    var toolTip = toolTips[i];
    toolTip.ondblclick = function(e){//when the text is clicked call this function
    //Get this project's tooltip text  and make it visible
    var elemStyle = e.target.getElementsByClassName('tipText')[0].style;//the tooltip text is identified by the className 'tipText' and is a descendent of the given 'tip' element
    elemStyle.visibility = 'visible';
    elemStyle.position = 'static';
    }//End for
    }//End showTooltipOnClick()
    //This method hides the tooltip text when the project text is clicked
    function hideTooltipOnClick(){
    var tipTexts = document.getElementsByClassName('tipText');
    for(var i = 0; i < tipTexts.length; i++){
    var tipText = tipTexts[i];
    tipText.ondblclick = function(e){
    //e.target gets the element that was clicked.
    //The .closest('span') method gets the closest span ancestor of the element which should be the whole tipText.
    //The .style.visibility = "hidden" method changes the css visibility of the span element to hidden i.e. it hides the tipText.
    var elemStyle = e.target.closest('span').style;
    elemStyle.visibility = 'hidden';
    elemStyle.position = 'absolute';
    }//End for
    }//End hideTooltipOnClick()
  2. 在问题正文中,单击"添加 JavaScript..."并调用上面定义的函数

  3. 在问题描述文本/选择文本输入字段中,按如下方式输入源代码:

    <div class="tip">Text to show<span class="tipText">
    Text to uncollapse/display when double clicked</span></div>
  4. 最后,您需要添加CSS代码以隐藏tipText,然后再双击它。插入("外观与感觉">"高级">+"自定义CSS"(。您还可以使用 css 在此处更改tipText的字体和样式。如果要默认显示tipText,然后在双击时折叠,请将下面的visibility更改为"可见"。

    /* Tooltip container */
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    cursor: help; /*change the cursor symbol to a question mark on mouse over*/
    color: inherit; /*inherit text color*/
    text-decoration: none; /*remove underline*/
    /*Tooltip text*/
    .tip .tipText{
    visibility: hidden;
    font: bold 24px arial;
    color: inherit;
    display: block;
    position: static;/*so that it doesn't interfere when it's in containers. Will change this when revealing it*/

