LDAP Vb.net简单查询


                Dim ldapServerName As String = "xxx.test.intranet.xxx.ca"
                Dim oRoot As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & ldapServerName & "/c=ca, DC=xxx,DC=corp,DC=xxx,DC=ca")
                oRoot.Username = "ou=Tool,ou=applications,o=xxx,c=ca"
                oRoot.Password = "something@2015"
                Dim LDAPSearcher As New DirectorySearcher()
                LDAPSearcher.Filter = "(&(employeenumber=6012589))"
                Dim SearchResult As SearchResult = LDAPSearcher.FindOne()
                Dim UserEntry As DirectoryEntry = SearchResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
                EDTEST.Text = UserEntry.Properties("employeenumber").Value.ToString








我使用较低级别的System.DirectoryServicesSystem.DirectoryServices.Protocols名称空间组合了一个示例。这有助于分解实际的登录和搜索功能,并在出现错误时提供更好的上下文。例如,我已经用你在问题中使用的变量替换了我的所有变量。我使用我的信用证和与您使用的基本域类似的基本域,在不安全的端口389上针对我们自己的Active Directory实例进行了测试。

Imports System.DirectoryServices.Protocols
Imports System.Net
Module Module1
Sub Main()
    ' setup your creds, domain, and ldap prop array 
    Dim username As String = "ou=Tool,ou=applications,o=xxx,c=ca"
    Dim pwd As String = "something@2015"
    Dim domain As String = "DC=xxx,DC=corp,DC=xxx,DC=ca"
    Dim propArray() As String = {"employeenumber"}
    ' setup your ldap connection, and domain component
    Dim ldapCon As LdapConnection = New LdapConnection("xxx.test.intranet.xxx.ca:389")
    Dim networkCreds As NetworkCredential = New NetworkCredential(username, pwd, domain)
    ' configure the connection and bind
    ldapCon.AuthType = AuthType.Negotiate
    ' if the above succceeded, you should now be able to issue search requests directly against the directory
    Dim searchRequest = New SearchRequest(domain, "(employeenumber=6012589)", SearchScope.Subtree, propArray)
    ' issue the search request, and check the results
    Dim searchResult As SearchResponse = ldapCon.SendRequest(searchRequest)
    Dim searchResultEntry As SearchResultEntry
    If (searchResult.Entries.Count > 0) Then ' we know we've located at least one match from the search
        ' if you're only expecting to get one entry back, get the first item off the entries list
        searchResultEntry = searchResult.Entries.Item(0)
        ' continue to do whatever processing you wish against the returned SearchResultEntry
    End If
End Sub
End Module
