尝试使用模板创建 AWS 堆栈时出现 Python 错误

我是一个python新手,试图通过python 2.7执行aws cloudformation脚本。 该脚本在 aws 控制台和命令行中完美运行。 但是,当我尝试从python中运行时,出现错误"模板格式错误:JSON格式不正确。(第 1 行,第 5 列)"

def create_stack(args):
conn = _create_cf_connection(args)
    conn.create_stack(args.stack_name, template_body="file://D://Project/testTemplate.json")   
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
    print e.error_message

我运行了"验证模板",但没有返回任何错误。 谁能帮我?

下面是 JSON 模板:

"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "AWS MiniProject: Create a single EC2 instance with Apache Server.",
"Parameters": {
    "KeyName": {
        "Description": "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance",
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName",
        "Default": "thedigginman",
        "ConstraintDescription": "must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair."
    "InstanceType": {
        "Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
        "Type": "String",
        "Default": "t2.micro",
        "AllowedValues": [
        "ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 instance type."
    "SSHLocation": {
        "Description": " The IP address range that can be used to SSH to the EC2 instances",
        "Type": "String",
        "MinLength": "9",
        "MaxLength": "18",
        "Default": "",
        "AllowedPattern": "(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/(\d{1,2})",
        "ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x."
"Mappings": {
    "AWSInstanceType2Arch": {
        "t1.micro": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "t2.nano": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "t2.micro": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "t2.small": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "t2.medium": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "t2.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m1.small": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m1.medium": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m1.large": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m1.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "m3.medium": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m3.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m4.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m4.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m4.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m4.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "m4.10xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c1.medium": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "c1.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "PV64"
        "c3.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c3.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c3.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c4.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c4.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c4.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c4.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "c4.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "g2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVMG2"
        "g2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVMG2"
        "r3.large": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "r3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "r3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "r3.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "r3.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "i2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "i2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "i2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "i2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "d2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "d2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "d2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "d2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "hi1.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "hs1.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "cr1.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
        "cc2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "HVM64"
    "AWSInstanceType2NATArch": {
        "t1.micro": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "t2.nano": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "t2.micro": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "t2.small": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "t2.medium": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "t2.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m1.small": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m1.medium": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m1.large": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m1.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "m3.medium": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m3.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m4.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m4.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m4.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m4.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "m4.10xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c1.medium": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "c1.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATPV64"
        "c3.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c3.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c3.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c4.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c4.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c4.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c4.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "c4.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "g2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVMG2"
        "g2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVMG2"
        "r3.large": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "r3.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "r3.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "r3.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "r3.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "i2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "i2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "i2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "i2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "d2.xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "d2.2xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "d2.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "d2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "hi1.4xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "hs1.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "cr1.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
        "cc2.8xlarge": {
            "Arch": "NATHVM64"
    "AWSRegionArch2AMI": {
        "us-east-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-8ff710e2",
            "HVM64": "ami-f5f41398",
            "HVMG2": "ami-4afd1d27"
        "us-west-2": {
            "PV64": "ami-eff1028f",
            "HVM64": "ami-d0f506b0",
            "HVMG2": "ami-ee897b8e"
        "us-west-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-ac85fbcc",
            "HVM64": "ami-6e84fa0e",
            "HVMG2": "ami-69106909"
        "eu-west-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-23ab2250",
            "HVM64": "ami-b0ac25c3",
            "HVMG2": "ami-936de5e0"
        "eu-central-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-27c12348",
            "HVM64": "ami-d3c022bc",
            "HVMG2": "ami-8e7092e1"
        "ap-northeast-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-26160d48",
            "HVM64": "ami-29160d47",
            "HVMG2": "ami-91809aff"
        "ap-northeast-2": {
            "PV64": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
            "HVM64": "ami-cf32faa1",
            "HVMG2": "NOT_SUPPORTED"
        "ap-southeast-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-f3dd0a90",
            "HVM64": "ami-1ddc0b7e",
            "HVMG2": "ami-3c30e75f"
        "ap-southeast-2": {
            "PV64": "ami-8f94b9ec",
            "HVM64": "ami-0c95b86f",
            "HVMG2": "ami-543d1137"
        "sa-east-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-e188018d",
            "HVM64": "ami-fb890097",
            "HVMG2": "NOT_SUPPORTED"
        "cn-north-1": {
            "PV64": "ami-77a46e1a",
            "HVM64": "ami-05a66c68",
            "HVMG2": "NOT_SUPPORTED"
"Resources": {
    "WebServerInstance": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
        "Metadata": {
            "AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
                "configSets": {
                    "InstallAndRun": [
                "Install": {
                    "packages": {
                        "yum": {
                            "httpd": []
                    "files": {
                        "/var/www/html/index.html": {
                            "content": {
                                "Fn::Join": [
                                        "  <head>n",
                                        "    <title>Stelligent Mini Project</title>n",
                                        "    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">n",
                                        "  </head>n",
                                        "  <body>n",
                                        "    <h1>Automation for the People!</h1>n",
                                        "  </body>n",
                            "mode": "000600",
                            "owner": "apache",
                            "group": "apache"
                        "/etc/cfn/cfn-hup.conf": {
                            "content": {
                                "Fn::Join": [
                                            "Ref": "AWS::StackId"
                                            "Ref": "AWS::Region"
                            "mode": "000400",
                            "owner": "root",
                            "group": "root"
                        "/etc/cfn/hooks.d/cfn-auto-reloader.conf": {
                            "content": {
                                "Fn::Join": [
                                        "action=/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
                                        "         --stack ",
                                            "Ref": "AWS::StackName"
                                        "         --resource WebServerInstance ",
                                        "         --configsets InstallAndRun ",
                                        "         --region ",
                                            "Ref": "AWS::Region"
                    "services": {
                        "sysvinit": {
                            "httpd": {
                                "enabled": "true",
                                "ensureRunning": "true"
        "Properties": {
            "ImageId": {
                "Fn::FindInMap": [
                        "Ref": "AWS::Region"
                        "Fn::FindInMap": [
                                "Ref": "InstanceType"
            "InstanceType": {
                "Ref": "InstanceType"
            "SecurityGroups": [
                    "Ref": "WebServerSecurityGroup"
            "KeyName": {
                "Ref": "KeyName"
            "UserData": {
                "Fn::Base64": {
                    "Fn::Join": [
                            "#!/bin/bash -xen",
                            "yum update -yn",
                            "#yum update -y aws-cfn-bootstrapn",
                            "# Install the files and packages from the metadatan",
                            "# The cfn-init helper script reads template metadata fromn",
                            "# the AWS::CloudFormation::Init key and acts accordingly to:n",
                            "#     Fetch and parse metadata from CloudFormationn",
                            "#     Install packagesn",
                            "#     Write files to diskn",
                            "#     Enable/disable and start/stop servicesn",
                            "/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
                            "         --stack ",
                                "Ref": "AWS::StackName"
                            "         --resource WebServerInstance ",
                            "         --configsets InstallAndRun ",
                            "         --region ",
                                "Ref": "AWS::Region"
                            "# Signal the status from cfn-initn",
                            "/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? ",
                            "         --stack ",
                                "Ref": "AWS::StackName"
                            "         --resource WebServerInstance ",
                            "         --region ",
                                "Ref": "AWS::Region"
        "CreationPolicy": {
            "ResourceSignal": {
                "Timeout": "PT5M"
    "WebServerSecurityGroup": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
        "Properties": {
            "GroupDescription": "Enable HTTP access via port 80",
            "SecurityGroupIngress": [
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "80",
                    "ToPort": "80",
                    "CidrIp": ""
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "22",
                    "ToPort": "22",
                    "CidrIp": {
                        "Ref": "SSHLocation"
"Outputs": {
    "WebsiteURL": {
        "Description": "URL for newly created MiniProject server",
        "Value": {
            "Fn::Join": [
                        "Fn::GetAtt": [

template_body需要一个字符串。 尝试改用template_url或使用其他代码将本地磁盘上的文件加载到字符串中

见 http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/cloudformation.html
