C语言 为什么分割错误(核心转储)发生在我的双重链表


    #include "header.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        int N; 
        //int oddsonly = (BITS_PER_SEG*2) - 1; 
        int NSegs;
        int numOfPrimes;
        if (argc == 2) sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&N);
            else scanf("%d",&N);
            NSegs = (int)ceil(N/(float)odds_only);
            printf("This is the number of segments made: %dn", NSegs);
        //this is how we make a doubly linked list 
        //void makelinkedlist(){
        //this is how we make a doubly linked list 
        //void makelinkedlist(){
        int i; 
        seg *node; 
        seg *current;
        //head = (seg*)malloc(sizeof(seg));
        head = NULL;
        for(i = 1; i < NSegs; i++ ) { 
            if(i == 1) {
                node = (seg*)malloc(sizeof(seg)); 
                node->prev = NULL; 
                node->next = NULL;
                head = node;
                current = (seg*)malloc(sizeof(seg)); 
                current = head; 
                while(current->next != NULL){
                    current = current->next; 
                node = current->next; 
                node->prev = current; 
                node->next = NULL;    
        printf("Done allocating %d nodesn",i); '


    #ifndef EXTERN
    #define EXTERN extern
    #define SIZE_OF_SEG      256       // 256 int per segment
    #define odds_only   16383
    #define BITS_PER_SEG     (8*SIZE_OF_SEG*sizeof(int))

    typedef struct _seg {  /* definition of new type "seg" */
        int  bits[256];
        struct _seg  *next,*prev;        
          }seg  ;
    EXTERN int NSegs;
    EXTERN seg *head;             // This variable will point to the 
                          // start of the linked list of segments !!!
    //EXTERN void clearAll( );            // Uses head to find the "bit array" (list)
    EXTERN void sieveOfE( int N );      // Uses head to find the "bit array" (list)
    EXTERN int  countPrimes( int N );   // Uses head to find the "bit array" (list)
    EXTERN void printPrimes( int N );   // Uses head to find the "bit array" (list)


current = (seg*)malloc(sizeof(seg)); 
current = head; 


while(current->next != NULL){
    current = current->next; 
node = current->next; 
node->prev = current; 



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