错误:(63, 0) 无法设置只读属性的值'outputFile'

我需要你的帮助。 请我帮忙。

错误:(63, 0(无法为 com.android.build.gradle.internal.api.ApkVariantOutputImpl 类型的 ApkVariantOutputImpl_Decorated{apkData=Main{type=MAIN, fullName=debug, filters=[]}} 设置只读属性 'outputFile' 的值。打开文件

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.each { output ->
        def file = output.outputFile
        output.outputFile = new File(file.parent, "kickmaterial-" + defaultConfig.versionName + ".apk")

安卓版本是 3.0.1请你帮忙。

从 gradle 插件 3.0 开始,你不能像文档中所说的那样使用each()

使用变体 API 操作变体输出被破坏,因为 新插件。它仍然适用于简单的任务,例如更改APK 生成时的名称,如下所示:

// If you use each() to iterate through the variant objects,
// you need to start using all(). That's because each() iterates
// through only the objects that already exist during configuration time—
// but those object don't exist at configuration time with the new model.
// However, all() adapts to the new model by picking up object as they are
// added during execution.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.all {
        outputFileName = "${variant.name}-${variant.versionName}.apk"


android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.all {
        outputFileName = "$kickmaterial-${variant.versionName}.apk"
