JavaScript IE issues


它有一些java脚本(jquery 172)的问题:在IE9中加载时,它将转到服务器文件夹,而不是加载索引页。在IE7 +中,单击"服务"选项卡,然后再次单击"概述"选项卡时,它将执行相同的操作。它似乎也会时不时地抛出随机错误。jquery和IE7,8,9之间有什么不兼容的地方吗?代码:

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                    <li><a id="activeLink" class="show1 navButton left" href="">Overview</a></li>
                    <li><a class="show2 navButton">Services</a></li>
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                            Fine Maid<br />                    
                             Bay C1 - 3911 Brandon St. S.E.<br />
                            Calgary, AB., T2G 4A7<br />                                                
                            (403) 454-5526<br />
                            For more information visit us at <a href="" title="Finemaid homepage" class="mainLink"></a>           
                        <p class="clearfix">Fine Maid offers a fresh approach to the concept of Residential and Office Cleaning. Very openly, the company offers a variety of cleaning packages with fixed prices (which is something that many other major companies shy away from advertising on their websites). For custom cleaning projects or long-term janitorial cleaning contracts, Fine Maid will provide custom quotes upon consolations with prospective clients and visits to sites.</p>
                        <p>Many household are paying increased attention these days to their cleaning products used. Fine Maid offers residential cleaning services using – at customer's discretion – their eco friendly, scent-free, hypo-allergenic, and environmentally responsible cleaning products.
Fine Maid website provides a wealth of information regarding Government issued recall alerts, other advisory and useful content. For more information<a href="" target="_blank" title="More Info" class="mainLink"> visit here.</a></p>
                        <p>Booking your next cleaning appointment with Fine Maid can not be easier: for any of the fixed-priced residential / office cleaning packages, the website provides a step-by-step booking process (similar to an airline travel booking), allowing customers to book their preferred date and time for when the cleaning person or crew should arrive to their address to perform the cleaning tasks clearly stated in each package's description (which we recommend customers to read, for better understanding of what's included in a package and what not).</p>
                        <p>Fine Maid has clear-stated policies, and the "what happens if" is explained in great detail, giving customers peace of mind. You can book your next cleaning appointment in confidence with Fine Maid in Calgary and area!</p>         
                    <div class="container2">
                        <ul class="services">
                            <li>cleaning services Calgary </li>
                            <li>residential cleaning Calgary </li>
                            <li>office cleaning Calgary  </li>
                            <li>Calgary cleaning companies </li>
                            <li>cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>commercial cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>home cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>cleaning Calgary services</li>
                            <li>residential cleaning</li>
                            <li>Calgary cleaning services</li>
                            <li>Maid service Calgary</li>
                            <li>Calgary cleaning company</li>
                            <li>quality cleaning services </li>
                            <li>professional cleaning services Calgary</li>
                        <ul class="services">
                            <li>eco cleaning services</li>
                            <li>house cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>eco cleaning services Calgary</li>
                            <li>condo cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>scent-free cleaning products Calgary</li>
                            <li>hypo-allergenic cleaning products Calgary</li>
                            <li>environmentally responsible cleaning products Calgary</li>
                            <li>Calgary cleaning</li>
                            <li>Janitorial services Calgary</li>
                            <li>Carpet cleaning Calgary</li>
                            <li>quality cleaning services Calgary</li>
                            <li>Maid Calgary</li>


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