Windows 容器快速入门:安装容器主机.ps1 失败,并显示消息"Image NanoServer not found after 5 minutes"


平台信息:ESX 6.0上支持Hyper-V的Windows 2016 Server TP4 guest,具有6GB RAM和80GB硬盘。


PS C:Windowssystem32> powershell.exe -NoProfile c:New-ContainerHost.ps1 -VMName testcont -WindowsImage ServerDatacenterCore -Hyperv
    cmdlet New-ContainerHost.ps1 na posição de comando 1 do pipeline
    Forneça valores para os seguintes parâmetros:
    Password: ********
    Before installing and using the Windows Server Technical Preview 4 with Containers virtual machine you must:
        1. Review the license terms by navigating to this link:
        2. Print and retain a copy of the license terms for your records.
    By downloading and using the Windows Server Technical Preview 4 with Containers virtual machine you agree to such license terms. Please confirm you have accepted and agree to the license terms.
    [N] No  [Y] Yes  [?] Ajuda (o padrão é "N"): y
    Using VHD path C:UsersPublicDocumentsHyper-VVirtual Hard Disks
    Using external switch vmxnet3 Ethernet Adapter - Virtual Switch
    The latest ServerDatacenterCore VHD is already present on this system.
    ServerDatacenterCore Container OS Image (WIM) is already present on this system.
    Creating VHD files for VM testcont...
VHD mount must be synchronized with other running instances of this script.  Waiting for exclusive access...
Mounting ServerDatacenterCore VHD for offline processing...
Enabling Containers feature on drive F...
Enabling Hyper-V feature on drive F...
Copying Docker into ServerDatacenterCore VHD...
Copying NSSM into ServerDatacenterCore VHD...
This script uses a third party tool: NSSM. For more information, see
Downloading NSSM...
Extracting NSSM from archive...
Writing default unattend.xml...
Copying Install-ContainerHost.ps1 into ServerDatacenterCore VHD...
Dismounting VHD...
Creating VM testcont...
Configuring VM testcont...
Connecting VM to switch vmxnet3 Ethernet Adapter - Virtual Switch
AVISO: A virtualização aninhada é um recurso de visualização sem suporte. Os hipervisores que não forem o hipervisor do
 Hyper-V em execução em uma máquina virtual convidada provavelmente falharão. Além disso, alguns recursos do Hyper-V
são incompatíveis com a virtualização aninhada, como memória dinâmica, pontos de verificação e salvar/restaurar.
Starting VM testcont...
Waiting for VM testcont to boot...
Connected to VM testcont Heartbeat IC.
Waiting for specialization to complete (this may take a few minutes)...
Executing Install-ContainerHost.ps1 inside the VM...
Completing container install...
Querying status of Windows feature: Containers...
Feature Containers is already enabled.
Querying status of Windows feature: Hyper-V...
Feature Hyper-V is already enabled.
Waiting for Hyper-V Management...
Enabling container networking...
Creating container switch (NAT)...
Creating NAT for
Installing Container OS image from D:WindowsServerCore.wim (this may take a few minutes)...
Container base image install complete.  Querying container images...
C:Install-ContainerHost.ps1 : Image NanoServer not found after 5 minutes
At line:1 char:1
+ C:Install-ContainerHost.ps1 -PSDirect -NATSubnetPrefix ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-ContainerHost.ps1
C:New-ContainerHost.ps1 : Install-ContainerHost.ps1 failed in the VM
No linha:1 caractere:1
+ c:New-ContainerHost.ps1 -VMName testcont -WindowsImage ServerDatacen ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-ContainerHost.ps1



问题是Install-ContainerHost.ps1中的一行,它是New-Container Host.ps1 运行的文件



$newBaseImages = Get-InstalledContainerImage $BaseImageName


$newBaseImages = Get-ContainerImage


powershell.exe -NoProfile c:New-ContainerHost.ps1 -VMName testcont -WindowsImage ServerDatacenterCore -Hyperv -ScriptPath C:Install-ContainerHost.ps1


