
因此,在我的脚本中,我创建了一个新的OU并将联系人导入AD中。OU 创建工作正常,但未导入任何用户,并且没有任何错误表明它失败。

New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "finance" -Path "DC=ucertify, DC=com"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Users = Import-Csv C:UsersAdministratorDownloadsfinancePersonnel.csv
foreach ($user in $users) 

$samAccountname = $user.SamAccount
$FirstName     = $User.First_Name 
$LastName = $User.Last_Name
$PostalCode = $User.PostalCode
$MobilePhone = $User.MobilePhone
$OfficePhone = $User.OfficePhone
$City = $User.City
$Country = $User.Country


理由为 CSV 文件中的所有属性创建变量。而是直接使用它们来生成一个哈希表,可用于将参数拆分到New-ADUser cmdlet,如下所示。

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# the X.500 path of the Organizational Unit like:
$ouPath = "OU=Finance,DC=ucertify,DC=com"
# test if the OU already exists
if (!(Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $ouPath)) {
    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Finance" -Path $ouPath
Import-Csv C:UsersAdministratorDownloadsfinancePersonnel.csv | Foreach-Object {
    # create a hashtable with all the properties from the CSV
    # format: ParameterName = Value
    $userProps = @{
        'Name'           = ('{0} {1}' -f $_.First_Name, $_.Last_Name).Trim()
        'SamAccountName' = $_.SamAccount
        'GivenName'      = $_.First_Name 
        'Surname'        = $_.Last_Name
        'PostalCode'     = $_.PostalCode
        'MobilePhone'    = $_.MobilePhone
        'OfficePhone'    = $_.OfficePhone
        'City'           = $_.City
        'Country'        = $_.Country
        'Enabled'        = $true
        # I'm guessing you want the user created in the new OU
        # If you leave this out, the Path parameter defaults to the Users container. 
        'Path'          = $ouPath
    # now splat these properties to the New-ADUser cmdlet
    New-ADUser @userProps

查找新 ADUser cmdlet 以查看可以设置的更多属性。
