Android Studio:硬件支持 HAL 太慢,只能写入 720 帧中的 0 帧

>我在 Android Studio 中收到错误,应用程序无法与其他应用程序通信,并且两个同时工作的模拟器几乎 100% 使用处理器。

除了Hardware backing HAL too slow, could only write 0 of 720 frames之外,我没有收到任何错误。在这种情况下我该怎么办?我有一种感觉,这是模拟器太慢的问题,是真的吗?


04-18 16:57:56.583 1382-1435/? W/audio_hw_generic: Not supplying enough data to HAL, expected position 4321429 , only wrote 4168800
04-18 16:57:57.005 9136-9147/com.example.matt.rider I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20288(877KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(96KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 14MB/14MB, paused 17.734ms total 501.934ms
04-18 16:57:57.289 9136-9147/com.example.matt.rider I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5087(243KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(2MB) LOS objects, 26% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 14.179ms total 261.011ms
04-18 16:57:58.703 2420-2432/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 16895(1821KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 9.655ms total 103.726ms
04-18 16:57:59.663 1382-1434/? W/audio_hw_generic: Not supplying enough data to HAL, expected position 4169071 , only wrote 4168800
04-18 16:57:59.714 1382-1434/? W/audio_hw_generic: Hardware backing HAL too slow, could only write 0 of 720 frames
04-18 16:57:59.726 1382-1434/? W/audio_hw_generic: Hardware backing HAL too slow, could only write 0 of 720 frames

LOS 用于大对象空间...本机代码使用的 Java 对象可能会保持活动状态太久。Java 堆上的某些对象可能无法访问

