如何在两个图像中访问每个像素并使用OpenCV找到它们的绝对差异?(Android Studio)

我有两个垫子图像,它们是Android Studio中的BGRA(8UC4(。我希望能够通过一次通过每个像素一个一个像素来从两个图像中提取BGRA像素值,然后在RGB值中找到它们的绝对差异。我不想减去透明度,因此我不能使用core.absdiff((。是否有捷径可寻?我已经使用mat.get((和mat.put((实现了此功能,但是它非常慢。


Mat A ;
int size = (int) (A.total() * A.channels());
short[] temp = new short[size];
A.get(0, 0, temp);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
   temp[i] = (short) (temp[i] / 2);
C.put(0, 0, temp);



这是C 实现。

Mat aBGRA[4];     // array of Mats to hold Blue Green Red Alpha channels
cv::split(A, aBGRA);  // split Mat A into channels
Mat bBGRA[4];
cv::split(B, bBGRA);  // split Mat B into channels
Mat cBGR[3];      // Mat array to hold absolute diff of A and B BGR channels
for ( int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx)   // loop BGR channels
    cBGR[idx] = Mat::zeros(A.rows, A.cols, CV_8U); 
    Mat diff(aBGRA[idx] != bBGRA[idx]); // create mask where A & B differ
    vector<Point> nonZero;
    cv::findNonZero(diff, nonZero); // collect list of points where A & B differ
    // for each different point in this channel
    for (auto itr = nonZero.begin(); itr != nonZero.end(); ++itr)
       Point p(*itr);
       // set cBGR at point to the absolute difference between A and B at this point
       cBGR[idx].at<uint8_T>(p) = abs(aBGRA[idx].at<uint8_t>(p) - bBGRA[idx].at<uint8_t>(p)); 
Mat C;
cv::merge(cBGR, 3, C); // merge BGR channels into C

