Android -在QR码中解密AES加密字符串的问题

我已经建立了一个QR码生成器和一个QR码扫描仪,用于在手机之间传递有关手机及其用户的数据(这些手机正在被借出去,因此将有一个带有扫描仪应用程序的主手机,其余的则带有生成器应用程序)。生成的QR码是一个JSON格式的字符串,包含一个人的姓名/号码/他们的手机imei,但为了安全起见,我已经尝试在编码成QR之前加密字符串,但扫描的QR码抛出了一个"pad block损坏"错误。

JSON数据编码成QR/解码QR fine作为纯文本,我检查了加密/解密之前编码到QR和数据加密/解密很好,所以它与加密文本编码成QR时有关,但我不知道从哪里开始!



/**QR ENCODER CLASS****************************************************/
    public class QRCodeEncoder
        private final String TAG = QRCodeEncoder.class.getSimpleName();
          private static final int WHITE = 0xFFFFFFFF;
          private static final int BLACK = 0xFF000000;
          private final Activity activity;
          private String contents;
          private String displayContents;
          private String title;
          private BarcodeFormat format;
          private final int dimension;
          QRCodeEncoder(Activity activity, Intent intent, int dimension) {
                this.activity = activity;
                if (intent == null) {
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid data to encode. intent is null");
                String action = intent.getAction();
                if (action.equals(Intents.Encode.ACTION)) {
                  if (!encodeContentsFromZXingIntent(intent)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid data to encode. Zxing intent returned false");
                } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) {
                  if (!encodeContentsFromShareIntent(intent)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid data to encode. Share Intent returned false");
                this.dimension = dimension;
              public String getContents() {
                return contents;
              public String getDisplayContents() {
                return displayContents;
              public String getTitle() {
                return title;
              // It would be nice if the string encoding lived in the core ZXing library,
              // but we use platform specific code like PhoneNumberUtils, so it can't.
              private boolean encodeContentsFromZXingIntent(Intent intent) {
                 // Default to QR_CODE if no format given.
                String formatString = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.FORMAT);
                try {
                  format = BarcodeFormat.valueOf(formatString);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                  // Ignore it then
                  format = null;
                if (format == null || BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE.equals(format)) {
                  String type = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.TYPE);
                  if (type == null || type.length() == 0) {
                    return false;
                  this.format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE;
                  encodeQRCodeContents(intent, type);
                } else {
                  String data = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA);
                  if (data != null && data.length() > 0) {
                    contents = data;
                    displayContents = data;
                    title = "QR Encoder";
                return contents != null && contents.length() > 0;
              // Handles send intents from multitude of Android applications
              private boolean encodeContentsFromShareIntent(Intent intent) {
                // Check if this is a plain text encoding, or contact
                if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)) {
                  return encodeContentsFromShareIntentPlainText(intent);
                // Attempt default sharing.
                return encodeContentsFromShareIntentDefault(intent);
              private boolean encodeContentsFromShareIntentPlainText(Intent intent) {
                // Notice: Google Maps shares both URL and details in one text, bummer!
                contents = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"contents read = "+contents,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                // We only support non-empty and non-blank texts.
                // Trim text to avoid URL breaking.
                if (contents == null) {
                  return false;
                contents = contents.trim();
                if (contents.length() == 0) {
                  return false;
                // We only do QR code.
                format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE;
                if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT)) {
                  displayContents = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT);
                } else if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE)) {
                  displayContents = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE);
                } else {
                  displayContents = contents;
                title = "QR Encoder";
                return true;
              // Handles send intents from the Contacts app, retrieving a contact as a VCARD.
              // Note: Does not work on HTC devices due to broken custom Contacts application.
              private boolean encodeContentsFromShareIntentDefault(Intent intent) {
                format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE;
                try {
                  Uri uri = (Uri)intent.getExtras().getParcelable(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
                  InputStream stream = activity.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
                  int length = stream.available();
                  if (length <= 0) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Content stream is empty");
                    return false;
                  byte[] vcard = new byte[length];
                  int bytesRead =, 0, length);
                  if (bytesRead < length) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Unable to fully read available bytes from content stream");
                    return false;
                  String vcardString = new String(vcard, 0, bytesRead, "UTF-8");
                  Log.d(TAG, "Encoding share intent content:");
                  Log.d(TAG, vcardString);
                  Result result = new Result(vcardString, vcard, null, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE);
                  ParsedResult parsedResult = ResultParser.parseResult(result);
                  if (!(parsedResult instanceof AddressBookParsedResult)) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Result was not an address");
                    return false;
                  if (!encodeQRCodeContents((AddressBookParsedResult) parsedResult)) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Unable to encode contents");
                    return false;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                  Log.w(TAG, e);
                  return false;
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                  Log.w(TAG, e);
                  // In case the uri was not found in the Intent.
                  return false;
                return contents != null && contents.length() > 0;
              private void encodeQRCodeContents(Intent intent, String type) {
                if (type.equals(Contents.Type.TEXT)) {
                  String data = intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA);
                  if (data != null && data.length() > 0) {
                    contents = data;
                    displayContents = data;
                    title = "QR Encoder";
                } else if (type.equals(Contents.Type.EMAIL)) {
                  String data = trim(intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA));
                  if (data != null) {
                    contents = "mailto:" + data;
                    displayContents = data;
                    title = "QR Encoder";
                } else if (type.equals(Contents.Type.PHONE)) {
                  String data = trim(intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA));
                  if (data != null) {
                    contents = "tel:" + data;
                    displayContents = PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber(data);
                    title = "QR Encoder";
                } else if (type.equals(Contents.Type.SMS)) {
                  String data = trim(intent.getStringExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA));
                  if (data != null) {
                    contents = "sms:" + data;
                    displayContents = PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber(data);
                    title = "QR Encoder";
                } else if (type.equals(Contents.Type.CONTACT)) {
                  Bundle bundle = intent.getBundleExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA);
                  if (bundle != null) {
                    StringBuilder newContents = new StringBuilder(100);
                    StringBuilder newDisplayContents = new StringBuilder(100);
                    String name = trim(bundle.getString(Contacts.Intents.Insert.NAME));
                    if (name != null) {
                    String address = trim(bundle.getString(Contacts.Intents.Insert.POSTAL));
                    if (address != null) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < Contents.PHONE_KEYS.length; x++) {
                      String phone = trim(bundle.getString(Contents.PHONE_KEYS[x]));
                      if (phone != null) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < Contents.EMAIL_KEYS.length; x++) {
                      String email = trim(bundle.getString(Contents.EMAIL_KEYS[x]));
                      if (email != null) {
                    // Make sure we've encoded at least one field.
                    if (newDisplayContents.length() > 0) {
                      contents = newContents.toString();
                      displayContents = newDisplayContents.toString();
                      title = "QR Encoder";
                    } else {
                      contents = null;
                      displayContents = null;
                } else if (type.equals(Contents.Type.LOCATION)) {
                  Bundle bundle = intent.getBundleExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA);
                  if (bundle != null) {
                    // These must use Bundle.getFloat(), not getDouble(), it's part of the API.
                    float latitude = bundle.getFloat("LAT", Float.MAX_VALUE);
                    float longitude = bundle.getFloat("LONG", Float.MAX_VALUE);
                    if (latitude != Float.MAX_VALUE && longitude != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
                      contents = "geo:" + latitude + ',' + longitude;
                      displayContents = latitude + "," + longitude;
                      title = "QR Encoder";
              private boolean encodeQRCodeContents(AddressBookParsedResult contact) {
                StringBuilder newContents = new StringBuilder(100);
                StringBuilder newDisplayContents = new StringBuilder(100);
                String[] names = contact.getNames();
                if (names != null && names.length > 0) {
                  String name = trim(names[0]);
                  if (name != null) {
                String[] addresses = contact.getAddresses();
                if (addresses != null) {
                  for (String address : addresses) {
                    address = trim(address);
                    if (address != null) {
                String[] phoneNumbers = contact.getPhoneNumbers();
                if (phoneNumbers != null) {
                  for (String phone : phoneNumbers) {
                    phone = trim(phone);
                    if (phone != null) {
                String[] emails = contact.getEmails();
                if (emails != null) {
                  for (String email : emails) {
                    email = trim(email);
                    if (email != null) {
                String url = trim(contact.getURL());
                if (url != null) {
                // Make sure we've encoded at least one field.
                if (newDisplayContents.length() > 0) {
                  contents = newContents.toString();
                  displayContents = newDisplayContents.toString();
                  title = "QR Encoder";
                  return true;
                } else {
                  contents = null;
                  displayContents = null;
                  return false;
              Bitmap encodeAsBitmap() throws WriterException {
                Hashtable<EncodeHintType,Object> hints = null;
                String encoding = guessAppropriateEncoding(contents);
                if (encoding != null) {
                  hints = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType,Object>(2);
                  hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, encoding);
                MultiFormatWriter writer = new MultiFormatWriter();
                BitMatrix result = writer.encode(contents, format, dimension, dimension, hints);
                int width = result.getWidth();
                int height = result.getHeight();
                int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
                // All are 0, or black, by default
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                  int offset = y * width;
                  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                    pixels[offset + x] = result.get(x, y) ? BLACK : WHITE;
                Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
                bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
                return bitmap;
              private String guessAppropriateEncoding(CharSequence contents) {
                // Very crude at the moment
                for (int i = 0; i < contents.length(); i++) {
                  if (contents.charAt(i) > 0xFF) {
                    return "UTF-8";
                return null;
              private String trim(String s) {
                if (s == null) {
                  return null;
                s = s.trim();
                return s.length() == 0 ? null : s;
              private String escapeMECARD(String input) {
                if (input == null || (input.indexOf(':') < 0 && input.indexOf(';') < 0)) {
                  return input;
                int length = input.length();
                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                  char c = input.charAt(i);
                  if (c == ':' || c == ';') {
                return result.toString();



QRCodeEncoder myQRCodeEncoder;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;
            extStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
                //JSON data is passed from another activity to this one
                qrMessage = getIntent().getStringExtra("QR_JSON");
                Intent encode = new Intent(Intents.Encode.ACTION);
                encode.putExtra(Intents.Encode.TYPE, Contents.Type.TEXT);
                encode.putExtra(Intents.Encode.FORMAT, "QR_CODE");
                    //This is the original plain text way that works:
                //encode.putExtra(Intents.Encode.DATA, qrMessage);
                    //This is the encyption way
                String encMessage = SimpleCrypto.encrypt("my s3cr3t k3y", qrMessage);

                myQRCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder(this, encode, 200);
            catch(Exception e)
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Could not encode:"+e.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            catch(Error e)
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Could not encode:"+e.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            try {
                Bitmap qrBitmap = myQRCodeEncoder.encodeAsBitmap();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Could not set image:"+e.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
    if (requestCode == 0) {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            String contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");//contents of the scan
            String format = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT");
            // Handle successful scan
            /* display the scanned persons info*/
            try {
                String decryptedcontents = SimpleCrypto.decrypt("my s3cr3t k3y",contents);
                String result = getJSONFromScanData(decryptedcontents);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                Toast.makeText(this, "Scanned data could not be decrypted:"+e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();//says 'pad block corrupted' as the message

        } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
            // Handle cancel
            Toast.makeText(this, "Scan cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


 JSONObject example = new JSONObject("{"user_firstname":"Ben","user_lastname":" Ten","user_login":"benten","user_pass":"password","user_email":""}");
                String mess = SimpleCrypto.encrypt("my s3cr3t k3y",example.toString());
String decrmess = SimpleCrypto.decrypt("my s3cr3t k3y",mess));
//decypts as:{"user_pass":"password","user_email":"","user_login":"benten","user_lastname":"


编辑2:Yngve Ådlandsvik好心地向我指出了正确的方向(再次感谢!)字符串长度需要是16的倍数,所以我设置了密码。加密和解密方法中的getInstance:

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/NoPadding","BC");


boolean carryOn = true;
                    int paddedLength = qrMessage.getBytes().length;
                    int checkMultiple16 = paddedLength%16;
                        carryOn = false;



您还可以更改加密代码中的cipher . getinstance()字符串,以便加密将本地支持填充,尽管我不知道Android上可用的填充类型和加密模式。
