


var money:int=100;//how much money the player has to spend on turrets
var lives:int=20;//how many lives the player has
var S:String = 'START';
var F:String = 'FINISH';
var U:String = 'UP';
var R:String = 'RIGHT';
var D:String = 'DOWN';
var L:String = 'LEFT';
var startDir:String;//the direction the enemies go when they enter
var finDir:String;//the direction the enemies go when they exit
var startCoord:int;//the coordinates of the beginning of the road
var lvlArray:Array = new Array();//this array will hold the formatting of the roads
lvlArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
var currentLvl:int = 1;
var gameOver:Boolean = false;
var currentEnemy:int = 0;//the current enemy that we're creating from the array
var enemyTime:int = 0;//how many frames have elapsed since the last enemy was created
var enemyLimit:int = 12;//how many frames are allowed before another enemy is created
var enemyArray:Array = new Array();//this array will tell the function when to create an enemy
var enemiesLeft:int;//how many enemies are left on the field
enemyArray = [//defining the array
            [2,2,1,1,1],//1's will just represent an enemy to be created
            [1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],//another row means another level
function startGame():void{//we'll run this function every time a new level begins
    for(var i:int=0;i<enemyArray[currentLvl-1].length;i++){
        if(enemyArray[currentLvl-1][i] == 1){
            enemiesLeft ++;
var currentEnemy2:int = 0;//the current enemy that we're creating from the array
var enemy2Time:int = 0;//how many frames have elapsed since the last enemy was created
var enemy2Limit:int = 15;//how many frames are allowed before another enemy is created

function start2Game():void{//we'll run this function every time a new level begins
    for(var i:int=0;i<enemyArray[currentLvl-1].length;i++){
        if(enemyArray[currentLvl-1][i] == 1){
            enemiesLeft ++;
var roadHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();//create an object that will hold all parts of the road
addChild(roadHolder);//add it to the stage
function makeRoad():void{
    var row:int = 0;//the current row we're working on
    var block;//this will act as the block that we're placing down
    for(var i:int=0;i<lvlArray.length;i++){//creating a loop that'll go through the level array
        if(lvlArray[i] == 0){//if the current index is set to 0
            block = new EmptyBlock();//create a gray empty block
            //and set the coordinates to be relative to the place in the array
            block.x= (i-row*22)*25;
            block.y = row*25;
        } else if(lvlArray[i] == 1){//if there is supposed to be a row
            //just add a box that will be a darker color and won't have any actions
            block = new Shape();
            block.x= (i-row*22)*25;
            block.y = row*25;   
            roadHolder.addChild(block);//add it to the roadHolder
        } else if(lvlArray[i] is String){//if it's a string, meaning a special block
            //then create a special block
            block = new DirectBlock(lvlArray[i],(i-row*22)*25,row*25);
        for(var c:int = 1;c<=16;c++){
            if(i == c*22-1){
                //if 22 columns have gone by, then we move onto the next row
function makeTurret(xValue:int,yValue:int):void{//this will need to be told the x and y values
    var turret:Turret = new Turret();//creating a variable to hold the Turret
    //changing the coordinates
    turret.x = xValue+12.5;
    turret.y = yValue+12.5;
    addChild(turret);//add it to the stage
function makeTurret2(xValue:int,yValue:int):void{//this will need to be told the x and y values
    var turret2:Turret2 = new Turret2();//creating a variable to hold the Turrettwo
    //changing the coordinates
    turret2.x = xValue+12.5;
    turret2.y = yValue+12.5;
    addChild(turret2);//add it to the stage
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//adding an eFrame function
function eFrame(e:Event):void{
    //if there aren't any levels left
if(currentLvl > enemyArray.length){
    gameOver=true;//set the game to be over
    //reset all the stats
    currentLvl = 1;
    currentEnemy = 0;
    enemyTime = 0;
    enemyLimit = 12;
    enemiesLeft = 0;
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//remove this listener
    removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
    gotoAndStop('win');//go to the win frame
if(lives<=0){//if the user runs out of lives
    gameOver=true;//set the game to be over
    //reset all the stats
    currentLvl = 1;
    currentEnemy = 0;
    enemyTime = 0;
    enemyLimit = 12;
    enemiesLeft = 0;
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//remove this listener
    removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
    gotoAndStop('lose');//go to the lose frame
    makeEnemies();//we'll just make some enemies
    if(enemiesLeft==0){//if there are no more enemies left
    currentLvl ++;//continue to the next level
    currentEnemy = 0;//reset the amount of enemies there are
    startGame();//restart the game
//Updating the text fields
txtLevel.text = 'Level '+currentLvl;
txtMoney.text = '$'+money;
txtLives.text = 'Lives: '+lives;
txtEnemiesLeft.text = 'Enemies Left:  '+enemiesLeft;
function makeEnemies():void{//this function will add enemies to the field
    if(enemyTime < enemyLimit){//if it isn't time to make them yet
        enemyTime ++;//then keep on waiting
    } else {//otherwise
        var theCode:int = enemyArray[currentLvl-1][currentEnemy];//get the code from the array
        if(theCode == 2){//if it's set as 1
            var newEnemy:Enemy = new Enemy();//then create a new enemy
            enemyHolder.addChild(newEnemy);//and add it to the enemyholder
        currentEnemy ++;//move on to the next enemy
        enemyTime = 0;//and reset the time
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, e2Frame);//adding an eFrame function
function e2Frame(e:Event):void{
    //if there aren't any levels left
if(currentLvl > enemyArray.length){
    gameOver=true;//set the game to be over
    //reset all the stats
    currentLvl = 1;
    currentEnemy2 = 0;
    enemy2Time = 0;
    enemy2Limit = 12;
    enemiesLeft = 0;
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);//remove this listener
    removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
    gotoAndStop('win');//go to the win frame
if(lives<=0){//if the user runs out of lives
    gameOver=true;//set the game to be over
    //reset all the stats
    currentLvl = 1;
    currentEnemy2 = 0;
    enemy2Time = 0;
    enemy2Limit = 12;
    enemiesLeft = 0;
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, e2Frame);//remove this listener
    removeChild(roadHolder);//remove the pieces of road
    gotoAndStop('lose');//go to the lose frame
    makeEnemies2();//we'll just make some enemies
    if(enemiesLeft==0){//if there are no more enemies left
    currentLvl ++;//continue to the next level
    currentEnemy2 = 0;//reset the amount of enemies there are
    startGame();//restart the game
    //Updating the text fields
txtLevel.text = 'Level '+currentLvl;
txtMoney.text = '$'+money;
txtLives.text = 'Lives: '+lives;
txtEnemiesLeft.text = 'Enemies Left:  '+enemiesLeft;
function makeEnemies2():void{//this function will add enemies to the field
    if(enemy2Time < enemy2Limit){//if it isn't time to make them yet
        enemy2Time ++;//then keep on waiting
    } else {//otherwise
        var theCode:int = enemyArray[currentLvl-1][currentEnemy2];//get the code from the array
        if(theCode == 2){//if it's set as 1
            var newEnemy2:Enemy2 = new Enemy2();//then create a new enemy
            enemyHolder.addChild(newEnemy2);//and add it to the enemyholder
        currentEnemy2 ++;//move on to the next enemy
        enemy2Time = 0;//and reset the time
//run these functions at the start
var enemyHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();




  1. 设置所有游戏内静态资产。(HUD, Tiles等)
  2. 设置所有塔元素(购买塔面板)
  3. 设置所有敌人元素。(创建数组表示生成的敌人)
  4. 继续设置你在游戏中的所有其他元素。



你似乎对游戏设计很困惑。我上面提到的问题只是开始设计游戏时遇到的众多问题之一。我建议你阅读游戏设计书籍。我推荐这款。我推荐这类书的原因是,它能引导你了解游戏设计的概念部分,让你正确思考。我从这本书中学习了游戏编程,最近编写了《symphony Tower Defense》。
