我在SQL Server中有超过1000万条记录包含IP地址。我需要将地址解析为单独的列以进一步分析它们。我尝试使用PATINDEX,它可以工作,但只涵盖IP地址的一种模式。第一个八位字节必须是 50、41 或 107。其他三个八位字节的范围可以从一位数到三位数字。这是我使用的 catpures 50/41/107.xxx.xxx.xxx:
SELECT SUBSTRING(Column_1,PATINDEX('%[50|41|107].[0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9]%',Column_1)-2,14)
FROM table_1
如何在一个查询中捕获所有 IP 模式(50.x.xxx.xxx、50.xx.x.xxx 等)?
FROM dbo.YourTable
WHERE PARSENAME(YourColumn,4) = '50'
使用 Left
和 Charindex
select * from table_1 where
left(Column_1,charindex('.',Column_1)-1) in('50','41','107')
此查询将确保仅捕获只有 4 个八位字节的 IP 地址。
所有八位字节都需要在指定的范围内(当前设置为 0-255,但可以在 where 子句中更改)您还可以将 BETWEEN a 和 b 更改为 IN (a, b, ...),它只会捕获这些特定的数字。
注意:由于使用了TRY_CAST这仅适用于SQL Server 2012和
WITH Octet_Position (column_1, position_1, position_2, position_3)
CHARINDEX('.', column_1),
CHARINDEX('.', column_1, CHARINDEX('.', column_1) + 1),
CHARINDEX('.', column_1, (CHARINDEX('.', column_1, CHARINDEX('.', column_1) + 1)) + 1)
FROM Table_1
column_1 AS ip_address,
TRY_CAST(SUBSTRING(column_1, 0, position_1) AS INT) AS octet_1,
TRY_CAST(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_1 + 1, position_2 - position_1 - 1) AS INT) AS octet_2,
TRY_CAST(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_2 + 1, position_3 - position_2 - 1) AS INT) AS octet_3,
TRY_CAST(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_3 + 1, LEN(column_1) - position_3) AS INT) AS octet_4
FROM Octet_Position
--make sure there are three .'s
position_1 > 0 AND
position_2 > 0 AND
position_3 > 0 AND
--Make sure the octets are numbers
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, 0, position_1), '') AS INT) IS NOT NULL AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_1 + 1, position_2 - position_1 - 1), '') AS INT) IS NOT NULL AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_2 + 1, position_3 - position_2 - 1), '') AS INT) IS NOT NULL AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_3 + 1, LEN(column_1) - position_3), '') AS INT) IS NOT NULL AND
--make sure the octects are in the correct range
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, 0, position_1), '') AS INT) BETWEEN 0 AND 255 AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_1 + 1, position_2 - position_1 - 1), '') AS INT) BETWEEN 0 AND 255 AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_2 + 1, position_3 - position_2 - 1), '') AS INT) BETWEEN 0 AND 255 AND
TRY_CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(column_1, position_3 + 1, LEN(column_1) - position_3), '') AS INT) BETWEEN 0 AND 255
--declare @ip nvarchar(15) = ''
--declare @ip nvarchar(15) = '333.2.3.4'
declare @ip nvarchar(15) = ''
select @ip,
iif ( ( patindex('[0-9]%.[0-9]%.[0-9]%.[0-9]%', @ip) = 0)
or ( patindex('%[^0-9.]%', @ip) > 0 )
or ( len(@ip) - len(replace(@ip, '.', '')) <> 3 )
or ( parsename(@ip, 4) not between 0 and 255 )
or ( parsename(@ip, 3) not between 0 and 255 )
or ( parsename(@ip, 2) not between 0 and 255 )
or ( parsename(@ip, 1) <> 50 )
, 'bad'
, 'ok'