

 SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast("Actions effectués: " + chargement + "n Durée moyenne:n - 10 + 32 par groupes simples n - 42 + (64/groupes) pour les groupes composés.", "Chargement en cours:n", 2);



Browser.msgBox("line 1\nline 2\nline 3");




function testToaster() {
  var myToast = new Toaster( "Actions effectués: " + chargement + "n Durée moyenne:n - 10 + 32 par groupes simples n - 42 + (64/groupes) pour les groupes composés.", "Chargement en cours:n", 2);


 * "Class" Toaster
 * From http://stackoverflow.com/a/33552904/1677912
 * Wrapper for Spreadsheet.toast() with support for multi-line messages.
 * Constructor:    new Toaster( message, title, timeoutSeconds );
 * @param message         {String}    Toast message, possibly with newlines (`n`)
 * @param title           {String}    (optional) Toast title
 * @param timeoutSeconds  {Number}    (optional) Duration of display, default 3s
 * @returns {Toaster}                 Toaster instance.
var Toaster = function(message, title, timeoutSeconds) {
  if (typeof message == 'undefined')
    throw new TypeError( "missing message" );
  this.message = this.parseMessage(message);
  this.title = title || '';
  this.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds || 3;
  this.ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
 * Display Toaster message using previously set parameters.
Toaster.prototype.display = function() {
 * This is where the magic happens. Prepares multi-line messages for display.
 * @param {String} msg    Toast message, possibly with newlines (`n`)
 * @returns{String}       Message, ready to display.
Toaster.prototype.parseMessage = function( msg ) {
  var maxWidth = 52;             // Approx. number of non-breaking spaces required to span toast popup.
  var knob = 1.85;               // Magical approx. ratio of avg char width : non-breaking space width
  var parsedMessage = '';
  var lines = msg.split('n');   // Break lines at newline chars
  // Rebuild message with padded lines
  for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
    var len = lines[i].length;
    // Build padding string of non-breaking spaces sandwiched with normal spaces.
    var padding = ' '
                + len < (maxWidth / knob) ?
                  Array(Math.floor(maxWidth-(lines[i].length * knob))).join(String.fromCharCode(160)) + ' ' : '';
    parsedMessage += lines[i] + padding;
  return parsedMessage;

我遇到了同样的问题,但我发现\r似乎有效。尝试:SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast("Actions effectués: " + chargement + "r Durée moyenne:r - 10 + 32 par groupes simples r - 42 + (64/groupes) pour les groupes composés.", "Chargement en cours:r", 2);
