机器人框架中的单选按钮测试-Selenium2 python

*** Variables ***
${URL}          http://myurl

*** Test Cases ***      username          password
#Here I'm getting problem How should i write test cases for radio button    
*** Keywords ***
Go To First Chapter
    Go To  ${URL}
Find Radio Buttons
    Select Radio Button  ID  True


*** Test Cases ***
Answer False To All Questions On First Chapter
    [Setup]  Go To First Chapter
    Select Radio Button    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_1    False
    Select Radio Button    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_1    False
    Select Radio Button    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_1    False
    Element Should Be Visible    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_1_expl
    Element Should Be Visible    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_2_expl
    Element Should Be Visible    SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_3_expl

将在所有三个问题上选择 false,并检查指示错误答案的元素是否可见。几乎总是你的测试应该有这样的结构

  1. 设置
  2. 做事
  3. 检查东西
  4. 拆卸

http://rtomac.github.io/robotframework-selenium2library/doc/Selenium2Library.html 有关于Selenium2Library不同关键字的文档,https://code.google.com/p/robotframework/wiki/HowToWriteGoodTestCases 将教你一些关于如何在RF中编写好的测试用例。


也许你可以考虑使用Helium - Python Selenium WebDriver包装器,它使事情变得更容易:

from helium.api import *
# scroll down to view the radio buttons
# assert radio button True exists for question "1"
assert RadioButton("True", to_right_of=Text("1")).exists()
# assert radio button False exists for question "1"
assert RadioButton("False", to_right_of=Text("1")).exists()
# select the "True" answer for question number "1"
click(RadioButton("True", to_right_of=Text("1")))
# this displays the alert sometimes, if alert exists dismiss it by pressing ENTER
if Alert().exists():

同样,您可以参考其他问题的单选按钮 - 无需使用 ID 等 SProgIntro_QSProgIntro_1。您还可以使用 Python 的 unittest 库来编写完整的测试用例类并做出更复杂的断言。

更多信息请访问 heliumhq.com

