C# - 使 UI 像无限循环一样运行,直到按下按钮

我用 C# 制作了一个代码,其中我从 Access 数据库中提取一些记录,但我需要在下一次迭代时依赖于按钮的单击。 我尝试使用一些线程或任务,但它不起作用,因为它阻止了我需要它被看到和点击的 UI。


bool nextClick = false ;
while (readerSelect.Read())
// show the correct panel
if (string.Compare(readerSelect[2].ToString(), "P1") == 0)
// panel with type 1
textBoxP1Text1.Text = readerSelect[3].ToString();
textBoxP1Text2.Text = readerSelect[4].ToString();
pictureBoxP1Image.ImageLocation = readerSelect[6].ToString();
// panel with type 2
textBoxP1Text2.Text = readerSelect[5].ToString();
//this while need to be kind of infinite so the interation can't be processed and 
//so when i need to change iteration i click the buttonNext 
while (!nextClick) {
MethodInvoker mi = delegate () {
if (nextClick)
// System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run();
goto startWhile; 
private void buttonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// click on the next button
nextClick = true; 

您可以在异步任务中使用信号量,在每次单击期间Release按钮,并让 while 循环每次都等待它。 下面是一个快速示例,使用添加了button1label1的窗体:

public partial class Form1 : Form
private readonly SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, int.MaxValue);
public Form1()
private async void RunLoop()
var i = 0;
while (true)
this.label2.Text = $"Enqueued: {this.signal.CurrentCount}";
await this.signal.WaitAsync(); // Wait button click async
await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulate work
this.label1.Text = $"Completed: {++i}";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.label2.Text = $"Enqueued: {this.signal.CurrentCount + 1}";
// Or if you want to limit the # people can queue up, then put this whole
// thing in an `if (signal.CurrentCount < myLimit)` block, and optionally
// disable the button once limit has been reached, and re-enable it right
// before the `WaitAsync` call above.

虽然Dax Fohl的答案有效,但似乎你的设计有问题。 我认为你违反了单一责任原则,因为在Form类中有太多的业务逻辑。

我建议将业务逻辑分解到它自己的类中。 然后,您无需循环运行所有内容,只需让按钮单击事件处理下一条记录并显示结果即可。 下面是我的意思的一个例子:

public partial class Form1 : Form
private readonly DataProcessor dataProcessor = new DataProcessor();
public Form1()
private void button1Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.buttonNext.Enabled = false;
private async void ProcessNext()
string s = await this.dataProcessor.ProcessNext();
this.textBoxP1Text1.Text = s;
this.buttonNext.Enabled = true;
public class DataProcessor
private readonly Random r = new Random(); // Or reader or whatever.
public async Task<string> ProcessNext() // Just using `string` as an example.
await Task.Delay(1000);
return this.r.Next().ToString();

我认为这将在未来更容易理解和更易于维护。 当一个新的团队成员看到信号量的东西(或你未来的自己(时,很难理解/记住这一切的意义。 在这里,你只有一个本地函数,它做一件事并且很容易遵循。

