//Get all the items
var $new_items = $($items).filter('.post-grid-item'),
slugs = {};
// check items and save slugs (containers ids)
var sl =$(this).attr('data-slug');
slugs[sl] = '';
// loop for each unique id
for (var new_slug in slugs) {
// I insert the items into the isotope container
$('.posts-grid.'+new_slug).isotope('insert', $new_items.filter('[data-slug='+ new_slug +']') );
// I attached imagesloaded event to container to relayout once images are loaded
$('.posts-grid.'+new_slug).imagesLoaded( function() {
// Only runs on last container id - why?¿?¿
//Get all the items
var $new_items = $($items).filter('.post-grid-item'),
slugs = {};
// check items and save slugs (containers ids)
var sl =$(this).attr('data-slug');
slugs[sl] = '';
// loop for each unique id
for (var new_slug in slugs) {
// I insert the items into the isotope container
$('.posts-grid.'+new_slug).isotope('insert', $new_items.filter('[data-slug='+ new_slug +']') );
// All images in all isotopes containers are loaded
$('.container.section-content').imagesLoaded( function() {
//loop again in container and relayout
for (var new_slug in slugs) {