

student(const char* n){


class student {
    int len; 
    char *name; 
    student(const char *);


student(const char* n){

char * s;不是字符串。它是一个指向内存块的指针——句柄,其中该块的每个元素都是char的大小。




// we have a handle which will fit a box that contains a bunch of "char"
char * s;
// now let's get a box that's big enough to hold the data
// and attach it to the handle
s = new char [len];
// now let's fill up the box with the data from source_str
strcpy (source_str, s);
// also, don't forget that you MUST delete anything that you allocate
delete [] s;



  • 构造对象
  • 用物体做某事
  • 破坏对象



  • 分配内存块
  • 用它做点什么
  • 然后稍后释放该内存块


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char * get_a_string () {
    // notice that s is allocated "on the stack"
    // which means that it goes out of scope and is
    // not available outside of this function
    auto s = "Adam Smith";
    //char * name = s;  // this WILL NOT WORK because the memory that
                        // that s points to will go out of scope
                        // and then name will point to invalid memory
    // we need to make s available to other parts of the
    // program so we allocate some memory "on the heap"
    // because the heap doesn't go out of scope
    char * name = new char [strlen (s)];
    // now since the contents of s have been copied into the heap
    // they'll still be available outside of this function
    strcpy (s, name);
    return name;
void do_something (char * c) {
    cout << c << endl;
int main () {    
    char * name = get_a_string ();
    do_something (name);
    // rule of thumb:
    //     anything you allocate with "[]" you must also delete with "[]"...
    delete [] name;

注意上面程序中的内存循环。请注意,当它是"newed up"one_answers"delete"时。跟踪哪些函数分配了内存,哪些函数删除了内存,这样你就可以在适当的时间新建和删除,这不是很棘手吗?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Student {
        // This is NOT a string.
        // It does not contain any data.
        // It only points to a block/box of data that is
        // split into chunks the size of a char
        char * my_name;
        Student (const char * new_name) {
            // we have to find out how long new_name is
            auto name_len = strlen (new_name);
            // now we need to make a box big enough to hold it
            // this is called allocation
            my_name = new char [name_len];
            // now we must copy the contents from the box that
            // new_name points to into the box that my_name points to
            strcpy (new_name, my_name);
        ~Student () {
            // it's very important to free up the memory we allocated
            // in the constructor
            delete [] my_name;
int main () {
    // so here the name is allocated and initialized so that we can use some_student elsewhere in our program
    Student some_student ("Adam Smith");
    // making use of the block of memory...
    cout << "student's name is: " << some_student.my_name << endl;
    return 0;
// at the end of the scope the destructor for some_student will be called
// which will delete some_student.my_name so that other programs can use
// that memory



#include <string>
class Student {
        std::string name;
        Student (const char * s) {
            // name is a std::string
            // that means that std::string has a constructor
            // and a copy operator which will do exactly what you
            // were doing using new and delete
            // It's just hidden and done for us BUT IT'S STILL BEING DONE.
            name = s;
        ~Student () {
            // ...
        // destructors for all of a class' members will be
        // called at the end of a class' destructor!
        // this means that since "my_name" is a std::string
        // its destructor will delete the memory that std::string
        // allocated in its constructor for me and I don't have to
        // do anything!
int main () {
    // so here the name is allocated and initialized
    // so that we can use some_student elsewhere in our program
    auto some_student = Student { "Adam Smith" };
    // making use of the block of memory...
    cout << "student's name is: " << some_student.my_name << endl;
    return 0;
// at the end of the scope the destructor for some_student will be called
// which will delete some_student.my_name so that other programs can use
// that memory

以下是Bjarne Stroustrup对学习使用C++编程的看法。


我认为不应该汇编上述案例。您正在将const char *分配给char *,这是编译器不应该允许的。如果您将成员更改为const char*,您仍然可以将一个字符串移交给构造函数,该字符串后来不再存在,然后您得到了一个错误的指针。

