Ocaml 错误消息错误:解析错误:在 [绑定] 之后"in"预期错误(在 [expr] 中)


我收到错误错误:解析错误:最后一行代码的 [绑定](在 [expr] 中)之后预期的"in",但我真的看不出"in"是如何成为最后一行的。我在这里做错了什么?

    (* Counts the number of divisors*)
    let rec count_divisors (n: int) (m: int) (current: int) (count: int): int =
       if count > m || current > n then count
       else  if (n mod current) = 0 then count_divisors n m (current+1) (count+1)
       else (count_divisors n m (current+1) count);;



let num_divisors n =
    let rec count_divisors (n: int) (m: int) (current: int) (count: int): int =
           if count > m || current > n then count
           else  if (n mod current) = 0 then count_divisors n m (current+1) (count+1)
           else (count_divisors n m (current+1) count)
    in count_divisors n n 1 0;;
