使用类和对象"War"纸牌游戏生成器问题 (Java 7)



和最后一个问题:为什么我的控制台为我的getCore,getcarduit,getCardValue等打印" null"?(这一切之后,我会给您我的控制台打印输出)


public class player {

// The two players are going to enter:
String p1[] = {"Jack", "h", "k"};
String p2[] = {"Jill", "d", "9"};
//Setting up values
String Jack = "Jack";
String Jill = "Jill";
String h = " Hearts ";
String d = " Diamonds ";
String k = " King ";
int val = 9;
// Score
public int score = 0; // State variable score, set equal to 0

// Player name - Jack, Jill
public player(String Jack, String h, String k) {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public String playerName(String player)
    player = "Jack";
    player = "Jill";
    return player;

// Card suit
public String cardSuit(String getcardSuit)
    return cardSuit;
// Card Value for player 1

public String getCardValue() 
    return cardValue;
public String getScore(String score)
    return score;

public String player;
public String playerName;
public String cardSuit;
public String cardValue;
public double getScore;

public String getCardSuit() 
    return cardSuit;

public int getScore() {
    return 0;


public class Tester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create an object for player 1 
    player p1 = new player("Jack", "h", "k");
    // Create an object for player 2
    player p2 = new player("Jill", "d", "9");
    // Use p1 object and methods getCardSuit and getCardValue to report p1's card
    System.out.println(p1.playerName+"'s card is a "+p1.getCardValue()+" of "+p1.getCardSuit()+"."); 
        // Should print:
            // Jack's card is a King of Hearts.
    // Use p2 object and methods getCardSuit and getCardValue to report p2's card
    System.out.println(p2.playerName+"'s card is a "+p2.getCardValue()+" of "+p2.getCardSuit()+"."); 
        // Should print:    
            // Jill's card is a 9 of Diamonds.

    // Compare player's scores to determine winner
        System.out.println(p1.playerName+" is the winner!");
    else if (p1.getScore()<p2.getScore());
        System.out.println(p2.playerName+" is the winner!");
        // Should print:
            // "Jack is the winner!"




  • 我如何修复此"空"内容并实际上打印出其值?非常感谢,事先!:)



public player(String Jack, String h, String k) {
    // does absolutely nothing with the values.


player p1 = new player("Jack", "h", "k");




玩家类可以/应该具有String name;变量,然后您可以创建一个播放器对象并传递名称,就像您一样。区别在于您的构造函数:

//Setting up values
String name;
String suit;
String value;
public player(String name, String suit, String value) {
    this.name = name;
    this.suit = suit;
    this.value = value;



public class Player 
    // The two players are going to enter:
    String p1[] = {"Jack", "h", "k"};
    String p2[] = {"Jill", "d", "9"};
    //Setting up values
    String jack = "Jack";
    String jill = "Jill";
    String h = " Hearts ";
    String d = " Diamonds ";
    String k = " King ";
    int val = 9;
    // Score
    public int score = 0; // State variable score, set equal to 0
    // Player name - Jack, Jill
    public Player(String jack, String h, String k) 
        this.jack = jack;
        this.h = h;
        this.k = k;

    public String playerName(String player)
        // not sure what this is doing?
        // this first line does nothing at all
        // because player gets reassigned to "Jill"
        player = "Jack";
        player = "Jill";
        return player;

    // Card suit
    public String cardSuit(String getcardSuit)
        return cardSuit;
    // Card Value for player 1
    public String getCardValue() 
        return cardValue;
    public String getScore(String score)
        return score;
    public String player;
    public String playerName;
    public String cardSuit;
    public String cardValue;
    public double getScore;
    public String getCardSuit() 
        return cardSuit;
    public int getScore() 
        return 0;

