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            17% { opacity:1; } 
            25% { opacity:0; } 
            92% { opacity:0; } 
            100% { opacity:1; }
.image-wrapper {
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  height: 600px; // change to whatever works for you 
.image {
  position: absolute;
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<title>Badass Burgers</title>
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  <img class="logo" src='logo.jpg'/>
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  <li><a class="active" href="homepage.php">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="info.php">About</a></li>
  <li><a href="about.php">Team</a></li>
  <li><a href="Menu.php">Menu</a></li>
  <li><a href="book.php">Book A Table</a></li>
  <li><a href="message.php">Message Us</a></li>
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 <div class="image-wrapper">
    <img class="image" src='food1.jpg' width="1400" height="600" />
    <img class="image" src='Food2.jpg' width="1400" height="600" />
    <img class="image" src='Food3.jpg' width="1400" height="600" />
    <img class="image" src='Food4.jpg' width="1400" height="600" />

嗨,我正在尝试在这 4 张网站图像之间淡入淡出。 到目前为止 太好了,但是我试图更改此代码。有谁知道如何 更改代码,以便每个图像在 5 秒后更改? 任何帮助都非常感激

正如 litel 所说,引导轮播非常适合您的示例。W3 学校在这里有一个关于 Bootstrap 的很好的教程,这是我用来构建我的第一个轮播的教程。


.image-wrapper .image{
    display: none; /*Hide the images to begin with*/
var currentImage = 0;
imageChanger(); /*First image fades in on page ready*/
setInterval(imageChanger, 5000);}); /*set a timer of 5000ms for each subsequent image*/
function imageChanger(){
    $('.image-wrapper img').eq(currentImage).fadeOut();
    currentImage = (currentImage+1)%4;
    $('.image-wrapper img').eq(currentImage).fadeIn();