对如何使用 .then() 使用承诺链接查询感到困惑



有人可以在不使用 Promise.all 而是使用 .then(( 的情况下为我链接这些查询吗?所以我可以从中学习

SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1
SELECT * FROM username where username = $2
SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3


query("SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1")
  .then(() => query("SELECT * FROM username where username = $2"))
  .then(() => query("SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3"));

这将按顺序执行三个 SQL 查询。


async function threeQueries() {
  //Fetch all three queries in sequence
  let queryOne = await query("SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1");
  let queryTwo = await query("SELECT * FROM username where username = $2");
  let queryThree = await query("SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3");
  //Extract the response text from our queries
  let resultOne = await queryOne.text();
  let resultTwo = await queryTwo.text();
  let resultThree = await queryThree.text();
  //Return the responses from the function
  return [resultOne, resultTwo, resultThree];


  query("SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1"), 
  query("SELECT * FROM username where username = $2"), 
  query("SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3")

Promise 的目的是实现对异步操作的更好流量控制。在以下情况下,必须按任意顺序完成多个任务,然后代码流才能继续。当您有多个异步任务时,请使用 Promise.then,其中每个步骤可能部分取决于前一个的结果(例如,在查询您的 books 表后,您使用 books.savedByUserId 查询用户名表以获取相应的用户记录(。

引用以下一些示例: https://codeburst.io/node-js-mysql-and-promises-4c3be599909b 作者提供了一个简单的mySql包装器,它返回Promise(database.query返回新的Promise(。

//In this example Promise.all executes the queries independently, but provides an
//effective tool to resume your work after all are completed. The order in which
//they complete may be random/indeterminate.
var bookQuery = database.query( 'SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1' );
var userQuery = database.query( 'SELECT * FROM username where username = $2' );
var saveQuery = database.query( 'SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3' );
    //resume whatever processing that should happen afterwards
    //For instance, perhaps form fields in your UI require these datasets to be loaded
    //before displaying the UI.
// In this example, things are done sequentially, this makes the most sense 
// when the result of each operation feeds into the next. Since your queries don't
// rely on each other, this is not ideally depicted.
let bookRows, userRows, savedRows ;
database.query( 'SELECT * FROM books where book_id = $1' )
    .then( rows => {
        bookRows = rows;
        return database.query( 'SELECT * FROM username where username = $2' );
    .then( rows => {
        userRows = rows;
        return database.query( 'SELECT * FROM saved where saved_id = $3' );
    .then( rows => {
        savedRows = rows;
        return database.close();
    .then( () => {
        // do something with bookRows, userRows, savedRows
    .catch( err => {
        // handle the error

附言不是为了搅浑水,但在这种情况下,三个顺序的 sql 查询可能会被一个带有连接的查询所取代,但我想这不是问题的重点。让我们假设它是三个查询来分隔商店,这是有道理的。

我们使用 promise 这些对象,可能会在未来某个时候产生单个值。

当你运行query("query string") 时,它将异步返回一个 Promise 对象。这意味着,你的应用不会等待查询完成。它将启动查询过程并转到下一行代码。


我们使用then来处理查询返回的信息。 当查询成功完成其进程时,将触发then
