在 Excel 中循环浏览每个工作表以在 PowerShell 中执行任务

我正在尝试编写一个PowerShell脚本(我的第一个),该脚本将遍历Excel文件中的每个工作表并删除第二行,然后删除一系列单元格。 从StackOverflow上的其他帖子中,我已经能够拼凑出一个脚本,可以在一定程度上完成这项任务。

此任务将删除每个工作表上的第二行,然后删除指定的单元格区域 - 但如果添加了另一个工作表 - 则必须修改脚本以解决此问题。

$file = 'C:SSISEmail Report Content.xlsx'
$excel = new-object -com Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $false} 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file) # Open the file
$sheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item(1) # Activate the first worksheet
[void]$sheet.Cells.Item(2, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the second row
$range = $sheet.Range("E2","I13")
$workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
$excel.quit() # Quit Excel
[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) # Release COM

$file = 'C:SSISEmail Report Content.xlsx'
$excel = new-object -com Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $false} 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file) # Open the file
$sheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item(2) # Activate the first worksheet
[void]$sheet.Cells.Item(2, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the second row
$range = $sheet.Range("E2","I13")
$workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
$excel.quit() # Quit Excel
[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) # Release COM
$file = 'C:SSISEmail Report Content.xlsx'
$excel = new-object -com Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $false} 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file) # Open the file
$sheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item(3) # Activate the first worksheet
[void]$sheet.Cells.Item(2, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the second row
$range = $sheet.Range("E2","I13")
$workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
$excel.quit() # Quit Excel
[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) # Release COM


$File = 'C:SSISEmail Report Content.xlsx'
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $False} 
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File) # Open the file
$WorkSheet = $Workbook.WorkSheets
foreach ($WorkSheet in $Workbook.WorkSheets ) {
# $Sheet = $Workbook.Sheets.Item(1) # Activate the first worksheet
[void]$Sheet.Cells.Item(2, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the second row
$Range = $Sheet.Range("E2","I13")
$Workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
$Excel.quit() # Quit Excel
[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel) # Release COM 



$file = 'C:SSISEmail Report Content.xlsx'
$excel = new-object -com Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $false} 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file) # Open the file
foreach ($sheet in $workbook.Worksheets) {
[void]$sheet.Cells.Item(2, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the second row
$range = $sheet.Range("E2","I13")
$workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
$excel.quit() # Quit Excel
[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) # Release COM 
