C printfs期望类型规范符




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main(void) {
    int digit1; //First digit user gives
    int digit2; //Second digit user gives.
    int product; //The result of the two user given numbers multiplied.
    int cube; //The result of cubing the second number.
    int remainder; //The remainder of dividing the two given numbers.
    int tooManySteps; //The result of adding the two given numbers together, multiplying it by the first given number, dividing by the second number.
    product = digit1 * digit2;
    cube = digit2 * digit2 * digit2;
    remainder = digit1 % digit2;
    tooManySteps = (digit1 + digit2) * digit1 / digit2;
    printf("Hi there, want me to do some cool math for you? Great! Just give me a number please.");
    scanf("%d", &digit1);
    printf("Cool! Now just give me one number.");
    scanf("%d", &digit2);
    printf("Your numbers multiplied together give you %d n", product);
    printf("Now the cube of the second number you gave is %d n", cube);
    printf("If you were to divide your two numbers together your remainder would be %dn", remainder);
    printf("Now we'll get really crazy, if you were to add your two numbers, multiply them by the first number you gave and divide by the second number you gave, you would get %dn", tooManySteps);


int main(void)
    int digit1; //First digit user gives
    int digit2; //Second digit user gives.
    int product; //The result of the two user given numbers multiplied.
    int cube; //The result of cubing the second number.
    int remainder; //The remainder of dividing the two given numbers.
    int tooManySteps; //The result of adding the two given numbers together,
                      //multiplying it by the first given number, 
                      //dividing by the second number.
    printf("Hi there, want me to do some cool math for you? Great! "
           "Just give me a number please.");
    scanf("%d", &digit1);
    printf("Cool! Now just give me one number.");
    scanf("%d", &digit2);
    product = digit1 * digit2;
    cube = digit2 * digit2 * digit2;
    remainder = digit1 % digit2;
    tooManySteps = (digit1 + digit2) * digit1 / digit2;
    printf("Your numbers multiplied together give you %d n", product);
    printf("Now the cube of the second number you gave is %d n", cube);
    printf("If you were to divide your two numbers together your "
           "remainder would be %dn", remainder);
    printf("Now we'll get really crazy, if you were to add your two numbers, "
           "multiply them by the first number you gave and divide by the second"
           " number you gave, you would get %dn",
    return 0;
