

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Car
int no_seats;
int year;
char brand[20];
char color[20];
float horse_power;
void read_cars(Car C[], int &n)
int i;
cout << "Number of parked cars "; cin >> n;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
cout << "Brand " ; cin >> M[i].brand;
cout << "The year it was made in " ; cin >> M[i].year;
cout << "Color " ; cin >> M[i].color;
cout << "Power " ; cin >> M[i].horse_power;  
cout << "Number of seats " ; cin >> M[i].no_seats;
void display_cars(Car C[], int n)
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
cout << "Brand " ; cout << M[i].brand << endl;
cout << "The year it was made in " ; cout << M[i].year << endl;
cout << "Color " ; cout << M[i].color << endl;
cout << "Power " ; cout << M[i].horse_power << endl; 
cout << "Number of seats " ; cout << M[i].no_seats << endl;
int main()
Car C[50];
int n;
read_cars(M, n);
display_cars(M, n);
return 0;


void display_cars(Car C[], int n)
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
if(M[i].no_seats == 5)        //     <-   like this
cout << "Brand " ; cout << M[i].brand << endl;
cout << "The year it was made in " ; cout << M[i].year << endl;
cout << "Color " ; cout << M[i].color << endl;
cout << "Power " ; cout << M[i].horse_power << endl; 
cout << "Number of seats " ; cout << M[i].no_seats << endl;


  • 你的n只能上升到49——记住这一点。这也意味着您在M[0]中浪费了一个元素(是的,C++中的数组是基于零的(
  • 相对于固定大小的阵列,更喜欢使用std::vector<Car> Cstd::vector会随着push_back中越来越多的元素而增长,并且它会跟踪包含的元素的数量,因此不需要传递向量的大小。C.size()会告诉你元素的数量
void display_cars(const std::vector<Car>& C)
std::cout << "There are " << C.size() << " cars in the vectorn";
for(const Car& a_car : C)    // a range based for-loop
if(a_car.no_seats == 5)  // a_car will be a reference to each car in the loop
// use "a_car" to display info about one particular car
