



            //Get book
            var book= db.books.SingleOrDefault(d => d.bookId == 286);
            //If no book, return
            if (book == null) return null;
            //Get the shelf associated with this book
            List<shelf> slist = new List<shelf>();
            foreach (reading r in book.readings)
                foreach (event re in r.events)
            List<event> bookevents = slist.Distinct().ToList();
            //Get the customers associated with the events
            List<int> clist = new List<int>();
            foreach (event eb in bookevents)
                var cust = db.customers.Where(c => c.customerID == eb.inID || c.customerID == eb.outID).ToList();
                clist.AddRange(cust.Select(c => c.customerID));
            //Return the list of customers
            return clist;


        //Get book
        var book= db.books.SingleOrDefault(d => d.bookId == 286);
        //If no book, return
        if (book == null) return null;
        //Get the bookevents associated with this book
        var bookevents = (from reading in book.readings
                   select reading.events).SelectMany(e => e).Distinct();
        //Get the customers associated with the events
        var clist = (from be in bookevents
                    from c in db.customers
                    where c.customerID == be.inID || c.customerID == be.outID
                    select c.customerID).ToList();
        //Return the list of customers
        return clist;


var distinctEvents = (from event in db.events
               join reading in db.readings on event.readingID equals reading.readingID
               where reading.bookID == 286
               select event).Distinct();
               // if you want to see this bookID is present in Book table, you should add a join statement like "join book in db.books on reading.bookID == book.bookID"
var custIdList = from c in db.customers
                 from event in distinctsEvents
                 where c.customerID == event.inID || c.customerID == be.outID
                 select c.customerID;
return custIdList.ToList();
