获取对源文件中特定函数的所有调用并生成其他文件(使用 C、C++预处理器或脚本)


// test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOG     printf
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
LOG("Hello, my name %s, my age %dn", "John", 30);
LOG("I have wife and %d kidsn", 2);
return 0;


// message.txt
LINE: "Hello, my name %s, my age %dn"
LINE: "I have wife and %d kidsn"

是否可以使用 C 的预处理器make甚至脚本来做到这一点?



您正在寻找的是本地化,请在此处阅读有关它的内容。如果您使用的是 posix 系统,则可以使用gettext(),请参阅手册页。如果您使用的是Windows,则可以查看GetText for Windows。

尽管如此,我还是编写了一个C++程序来生成您想要的文件,请参见下面的代码。 您可以通过myProg filename logFunction调用它,其中filename是您要输入的源文件,logFunction是例如LOG


在您的示例中,您将按myProg test.c LOG调用它,并将得到:


7: "Hello, my name %s, my age %dn"
8: "I have wife and %d kidsn"


// test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOG(filename,line,...)   printf(localeStrings.strings[localeStrings.lastIdx++], __VA_ARGS__)
/* Beginning: Generated code for localization */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
size_t  count;
size_t  lastIdx;
char ** strings;
} stringArray_t;
stringArray_t localeStrings = { 0, 0, NULL };
int readLocaleStrings (const char * const filename)
FILE * file = NULL;
char * line = NULL;
char * str = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t read;
file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
localeStrings.strings = malloc (sizeof (char *));
localeStrings.count = 0;
while (-1 != (read = getline(&line, &len, file)))
size_t curIdx = localeStrings.count++;
localeStrings.strings = realloc(localeStrings.strings, localeStrings.count * sizeof (char *));
str = strstr(line, """);
localeStrings.strings[curIdx] = malloc(sizeof (char) * (size_t)(1 + read));
strcpy (localeStrings.strings[curIdx], str);
if (line)
return 0;
void freeLocaleStrings()
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < localeStrings.count; ++idx)
/* End: Generated code for localization */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
LOG("test_map.txt", "7", "John", 30);
LOG("test_map.txt", "8", 2);
return 0;


C++程序有限制,如果您还想在任何地方找到带有空格LOG,它只会找到LOG("LOG ("您必须更改该代码。此外,还有多行消息、已注释掉的消息等情况。然后,您必须根据您的要求扩展代码。也没有很好的参数解析处理或错误检查。此外,为了编写辅助代码,需要找到 main 函数。但是对于您给定的输入文件,它可以完美运行,并且应该为您指明正确的方向。使用正则表达式库更轻松地扩展它并使其更灵活将是明智的。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
/* Function definition is under main function */
const char * getNextHelperFunctionLine();
std::string getExtension (const std::string filename)
/* get dot of e.g. foo.c */
size_t posDot = filename.rfind('.');
/* extract extension */
std::string extension;
if (std::string::npos != posDot)
/* extension found */
extension = filename.substr(posDot);
return extension;
std::string getFilename (const std::string filename)
/* get dot of e.g. foo.c */
size_t posDot = filename.rfind('.');
/* extract filename */
std::string name = filename;
if (std::string::npos != posDot)
name  = name.substr(0, posDot);
return name;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 3)
std::cerr << "Usage: "
<< "   " << argv[0] << " filename logFunction"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
std::string infileName (argv[1]);
/* extract filename and extension */
std::string filename  = getFilename(infileName);
std::string extension = getExtension(infileName);;
/* names for generated files */
std::string mapfileName = filename + "_map.txt";
std::string mappedfileName = filename + "_new" + extension;
/* open streams for input and output */
std::ifstream infile(infileName.c_str());
std::ofstream fileMap(mapfileName.c_str());
std::ofstream fileMapped(mappedfileName.c_str());
/* string for log function e.g. "LOG(" */
std::string logFun = std::string(argv[2]);
std::string logFunOpen = logFun + "("";
std::string lineRead;
size_t lineNr = 1;
size_t mainParanthesis = 0;
bool   mainReturnFound = false;
/* Loop through whole input file */
while (std::getline(infile, lineRead))
/* position of log function opening e.g. "LOG(" */
size_t posLogOpen = lineRead.find(logFunOpen);
/* opening found? */
bool foundOpen  = std::string::npos != posLogOpen;
if (foundOpen)
bool foundClose = false;
/* position of the string beginning */
size_t posLogStringBeg = posLogOpen + logFunOpen.length();
size_t posLogClose = posLogStringBeg;
/* find closing of the log function e.g. "LOG(...)" */
while (!foundClose)
/* search for '"' and skip these if they are in the string */
posLogClose = lineRead.find(""", posLogClose + 1);
if (std::string::npos != posLogClose)
foundClose = (0 != lineRead.compare(posLogClose - 1, 1, "\"));
/* closing found write map file and new source file */
if (foundClose)
size_t len = posLogClose - posLogStringBeg;
fileMap << lineNr << ": ""
<< lineRead.substr(posLogStringBeg, len) << """
<< std::endl;
fileMapped << lineRead.substr(0, posLogStringBeg - 1)
<< '"' << mapfileName << "", "
<< '"' << lineNr
<< lineRead.substr(posLogClose)
<< std::endl;
/* not a log function write normal code */
if (   std::string::npos != lineRead.find("#define")
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find(logFun))
/* log functions needs to be changed */
fileMapped << "#define "
<< logFun << "(filename,line,...)   "
<< "printf(localeStrings.strings[localeStrings.lastIdx++], __VA_ARGS__)" << std::endl;
else if (   0 == mainParanthesis
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find(" main")
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find("(")
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find(")"))
/* found main function write all helper functions in front of it */
const char * helperLine;
while ((helperLine = getNextHelperFunctionLine()))
fileMapped << helperLine << std::endl;
/* write main function part */
fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl;
/* is there an opening parenthesis? */
if (std::string::npos != lineRead.find("{"))
fileMapped << "   readLocaleStrings("" << mapfileName << "");" << std::endl;
/* in main function write first part */
if (std::string::npos != lineRead.find("{"))
/* write opening */
fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl;
if (0 == mainParanthesis)
fileMapped << "   readLocaleStrings("" << mapfileName << "");" << std::endl;
/* return statement? */
else if (   1 == mainParanthesis
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find("return"))
mainReturnFound = true;
fileMapped << "   freeLocaleStrings();" << std::endl;
/* write return */
fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl;
else if (   1 == mainParanthesis
&& std::string::npos != lineRead.find("}"))
if (!mainReturnFound)
fileMapped << "   freeLocaleStrings();" << std::endl;
/* write closing */
fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl;
/* write other code */
fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl;
return 0;
const char * getNextHelperFunctionLine()
static size_t idx = 0;
static const char * helperFunLines[] =
"/* Beginning: Generated code for localization */",
"#include <stdlib.h>",
"#include <string.h>",
"typedef struct {",
"   size_t  count;",
"   size_t  lastIdx;",
"   char ** strings;",
"} stringArray_t;",
"stringArray_t localeStrings = { 0, 0, NULL };",
"int readLocaleStrings (const char * const filename)",
"   FILE * file = NULL;",
"   char * line = NULL;",
"   char * str = NULL;",
"   size_t len = 0;",
"   ssize_t read;",
"   file = fopen(filename, "r");",
"   if (file == NULL)",
"   {",
"      return -1;",
"   }",
"   localeStrings.strings = malloc (sizeof (char *));",
"   localeStrings.count = 0;",
"   while (-1 != (read = getline(&line, &len, file)))",
"   {",
"      size_t curIdx = localeStrings.count++;",
"      localeStrings.strings = realloc(localeStrings.strings, localeStrings.count * sizeof (char *));",
"      str = strstr(line, "\"");",
"      localeStrings.strings[curIdx] = malloc(sizeof (char) * (size_t)(1 + read));",
"      strcpy (localeStrings.strings[curIdx], str);",
"   }",
"   fclose(file);",
"   if (line)",
"   {",
"      free(line);",
"   }",
"   return 0;",
"void freeLocaleStrings()",
"   size_t idx;",
"   for (idx = 0; idx < localeStrings.count; ++idx)",
"   {",
"      free(localeStrings.strings[idx]);",
"   }",
"   free(localeStrings.strings);",
"/* End: Generated code for localization */",
if (idx < (sizeof (helperFunLines) / sizeof (helperFunLines[0])))
return helperFunLines[idx++];
return nullptr; /* use NULL if compiler doesn't support nullptr */
