以编程方式更新 ClickOnce 部署 (VSTO) 会导致 ApplicationDeployment.IsNetw

我有一个 Excel VSTO 加载项,它通过 ClickOnce 每 24 小时更新一次。这工作正常。


Sub TryUpdateApp()
If (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) Then
Dim Deployment As ApplicationDeployment = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment
Dim Info As UpdateCheckInfo = Nothing
'    Dim AppIdentity As New ApplicationIdentity(Deployment.UpdatedApplicationFullName)
'    Dim UnrestrictedPerms As New Security.PermissionSet(Security.Permissions.PermissionState.Unrestricted)
'    Dim AppTrust As New Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust(AppIdentity) With {
'          .DefaultGrantSet = New Security.Policy.PolicyStatement(UnrestrictedPerms),
'          .IsApplicationTrustedToRun = True,
'          .Persist = True
'          }
'    Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityManager.UserApplicationTrusts.Add(AppTrust)
'Catch ex As Exception
'    'log error
'End Try
Info = Deployment.CheckForDetailedUpdate()
Catch dde As DeploymentDownloadException
MsgBox($"The new version of App cannot be downloaded at this time.{vbNewLine}Please check your network connection, or try again later. Error: {dde.Message}", vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
Catch ioe As InvalidOperationException
MsgBox($"This application cannot be updated. It is likely not a ClickOnce application. Error: {ioe.Message}", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End Try
If (Info.UpdateAvailable) Then
MsgBox("App has been upgraded. Please restart Excel to apply changes.", vbInformation Or vbOKOnly)
Catch dde As DeploymentDownloadException
MsgBox($"Unable to install the latest version of App: download failed.{vbNewLine}Please check your network connection, or try again later.", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
Catch tnge As TrustNotGrantedException
MsgBox("Unable to install the latest version of App: trust not granted.", vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End Try
MsgBox("The latest version of App is already installed.", vbInformation Or vbOKOnly)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Unable to install the latest version of App: unknown error.")
Exit Sub
End Try
Throw New ApplicationException("Application is not network deployed.")
End If
End Sub

虽然它会准确地指示"已安装最新版本的应用程序",但如有必要,它将无法更新,从而引发TrustNotGrantedException: User has refused to grant required permissions to the application.


我找到了这个线程,它对应于上面代码的注释部分。当我取消评论并运行 sub 时,它似乎可以工作,因为我得到"应用程序已升级。请重新启动 Excel 以应用更改"。但是,当我重新启动 Excel 并再次运行 Sub 时,我得到"应用程序未部署网络"。

我该如何解决这个问题?(任何 C# 代码都可以(

首先,尝试在受信任站点列表中添加应用程序 URL。

根据 MSDN,如果出现以下情况,则会抛出TrustNotGrantedException


应用程序使用受信任的应用程序部署,用于对应用程序进行签名的数字证书未在本地计算机上列为受信任的发布者。如果已将更新部署到应用程序,并且该更新使用的权限比以前的版本多,并且 ClickOnce 引发 TrustNotGrantedException,则不会安装新版本。


您的证书是来自 CA,还是由 VS 生成的测试证书?如果这是测试证书,则需要检查它是否已添加到"信任发布者"列表中。

有关更多信息,请参见如何:向 ClickOnce 应用程序的客户端计算机添加受信任的发布者。
