LISP 编写一个名为切成两半的函数,该函数接收一个列表,并创建一个新列表,其元素是前半部分和后半部分

我在使用这个函数时遇到了问题。 我们一开始被问到"编写一个 lisp 函数,它接受一个列表和一个整数 n,并返回列表的前 n 个元素,作为新列表。如果 n 小于 1,则返回 NIL。如果 n 超出长度,该函数将返回原始列表的副本。

(defun take-n (list n)
((= n 0) ())
((null list) list)
((cons(car list)(take-n(cdr list)(- n 1)))))


(defun cut-in-half(list)
(let (x (ceiling(/ (length list) 2)))(let* (reverse list))
(list (take-n list x)(cdr(take-n y x))))



[1]> (loop with l = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
for x on l
for y = x then (cddr y)
when (null y)
return (values (ldiff l x) x))
(1 2 3 4) ;
(5 6 7)
[2]> (loop with l = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
for x on l
for y = x then (cddr y)
when (null y)
return (values (ldiff l x) x))
(1 2 3 4) ;
(5 6 7 8)


注意在loop中,for x on l语法与执行for x = l then (cdr l)大致相同,外加终止测试,以便在x变为空时结束循环。我们可以这样做,因为我们不需要对x进行终止测试。即

[9]> (loop with l = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
for x = l then (cdr x)
for y = x then (cddr y)
when (null y)
return (values (ldiff l x) x))
(1 2 3 4) ;
(5 6 7 8)


要返回两个列表的列表,请使用list而不是values。由于 Common Lisp 有多个值,因此利用它而不是分配额外的列表单元格是习惯性的。

这里有几个版本在概念上是干净的(没有破坏性操作,即使是隐含的),但也许有点难以理解。 两者都比任何明显的(隐式)破坏性版本做更多的工作。 两者都尝试不使用具有非恒定时间复杂度的函数,除了它们自己定义的函数(因此,例如,没有调用reverselength)。 两者都将迭代表示为尾递归。


对我来说,目的也是为了表明这些"干净"的问题变体通常比"肮脏"变体更难理解。 然而,这是意见。

两者都将列表的两半作为多个值返回。 两者都不适合作为家庭作业答案。


  • 沿着列表向下走,计算其长度并构建反向副本;
  • 沿着那个反向副本向下走,将其累积成另外两个反向副本之一,这就是结果。


(defun halfify (list)
;; Return two values: a copy of the first half of LIST and a copy of
;; the second half of LIST.  'half' is defined as by (round (length
;; list) 2).
;; This works by walking down the list to accumulate a reversed copy
;; of it and its length: half/accum does this.  When this is done,
;; rev/split then walks down the reversed copy accumulating a
;; further reversed copy into one of two accumulators.
;; This walks the list twice, and conses essentially two copies of
;; it.
(labels ((half/accum (tail n accum)
(if (null tail)
(rev/split accum (round n 2) '() '())
(half/accum (rest tail) (1+ n) (cons (first tail) accum))))
(rev/split (tail n h1 h2)
(cond ((null tail)
(values h1 h2))
((> n 0)
(rev/split (rest tail) (1- n) (cons (first tail) h1) h2))
(rev/split (rest tail) n h1 (cons (first tail) h2))))))
(half/accum list 0 '())))


  • 沿着列表向下移动以计算其长度;
  • 使用计算的长度在 halg 中拆分列表,向后累积拆分(列表的前导部分);
  • 使用累加器反转前导块。



(defun halfify (list)
;; Return two values: a copy of the first half (rounded) of the
;; list, and the remainder of it.  
;; This does essentially two walks down the list (once to compute
;; the length, half to build a reversed of the first half and then
;; half again to reverse it, and conses as much as the whole list
;; (half for the reversed half-copy, half to reverse it).  I don't
;; think you can do better than this without code which is
;; implicitly destructive, or not tail-recursive.
(labels ((half (tail n)
(if (null tail)
(split list (round n 2) '())
(half (rest tail) (1+ n))))
(split (tail m results)
(if (zerop m)
(values (rev results '()) tail)
(split (rest tail) (1- m) (cons (first tail) results))))
(rev (tail result)
(if (null tail)
(rev (rest tail) (cons (first tail) result)))))
(half list 0)))

最后,我读到了 Kaz 的聪明提示,这里有一个使用这个技巧的版本。如果长度为奇数,此版本将始终在其中间点之前剪切列表。

(defun halfify (list)
(labels ((half/step (fast slow a)
(if (null fast)
(values (rev a '()) slow)
(let ((fast-tail (rest fast)))
(if (null fast-tail)
(values (rev a '()) slow)
(half/step (rest fast-tail) (rest slow)
(cons (first slow) a))))))
(rev (tail result)
(if (null tail)
(rev (rest tail) (cons (first tail) result)))))
(half/step list list '())))
