Haskell读取CSV文件 ->从url加载XML文件 ->再次写出CSV文件


  1. 加载一个CSV文件
  2. 从文件中读取ID
  3. 为每个ID加载一个外部XML文件
  4. 阅读XML的一些名称
  5. 将ID和名称写入新的CSV文件



736572,"Mount Athos"
6697806,"North Aegean"



{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Csv
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.HandsomeSoup
import Data.List
import Data.Char

getPlaceNames pid name = do
    let doc = fromUrl ("http://api.geonames.org/get?geonameId="++pid++"&username=demo")
    c<-runX $ doc >>> css "alternateNames" >>> deep getText
    return (head c)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    csvData <- BL.readFile "input.csv"
    case decode NoHeader csvData of
        Left err -> putStrLn err
        Right v -> V.forM_ v $  ( pid, name ) ->
          putStrLn $  getPlaceNames pid name

我想我打电话给getPlaceNames并返回名称时,我做错了。我什至不确定是否应该在GetPlaceNames中使用" DO"语句。


 Couldn't match expected type ‘[[Char]]’
            with actual type ‘IO [String]’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
  c <- runX $ doc >>> css "alternateNames" >>> deep getText
In the expression:
  do { let doc
             = fromUrl
                  ++ pid ++ "&username=demo");
       c <- runX $ doc >>> css "alternateNames" >>> deep getText;
       return (head c) }
In an equation for ‘getPlaceNames’:
    getPlaceNames pid name
      = do { let doc = ...;
             c <- runX $ doc >>> css "alternateNames" >>> deep getText;
             return (head c) }








{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL

import Data.Csv
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.HandsomeSoup
import Data.List
import Data.Char

uppercase :: String -> String
uppercase = map toUpper

toLanguageStr :: (String, String) -> String
toLanguageStr (lan,name) = uppercase lan ++ ":" ++ name

getPlaceDetails::String->String->IO (Int,String,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,String,String)
getPlaceDetails pid name = do
    let doc = fromUrl ("http://api.geonames.org/get?geonameId="++pid++"&username=demo")
    id<-runX $ doc >>> css "geonameId" >>> deep getText
    name<-runX $ doc >>> css "name" >>> deep getText
    s<- runX $ doc >>> css "south" >>> deep getText
    w<- runX $ doc >>> css "west" >>> deep getText
    n<- runX $ doc >>> css "north" >>>  deep getText
    e<- runX $ doc >>> css "east" >>> deep getText
    lat<- runX $ doc >>> css "lat" >>> deep getText
    lng<- runX $ doc >>> css "lng" >>> deep getText
    translations<- runX $ doc >>> css "alternateName" >>> (getAttrValue "lang" &&& (deep getText))
    terms<- runX $ doc >>> css "alternateNames" >>> deep getText
    return ( read (head id),head name, read (head lat), read (head lng), read (head s), read (head w), read (head n), read (head e), intercalate "|" $ map toLanguageStr translations, head terms )

main :: IO ()
main = do
    csvData <- BL.readFile "input.csv"
    case decode NoHeader csvData of
        Left err -> putStrLn err
        Right v -> V.forM_ v $  ( pid, name )->do
            details <- getPlaceDetails pid name
            BL.appendFile "out.csv" $ encode [details]
            BL.putStrLn  (encode [details]) 


736572,"Mount Athos"


736572,"Mount Athos",40.15798,24.33021,40.11294,23.99234,40.4563,24.40044,"KO:아토스 산|:Aftónomos Periochí Agíou Órous|:Ágion Óros|:Ágio Óros|:Athos|NO:Áthos|EN:Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain|:Avtonómos Periokhí Ayíou Órous|:Áyion Óros|:Dhioíkisis Ayíou Órous|:Hagion Oros|:Holy Athonite Republic|LINK:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Athos|CA:Mont Athos|FR:Mont Athos|EN:Mount Athos|FR:République monastique du Mont Athos|EL:Αυτόνομη Μοναστική Πολιτεία Αγίου Όρους","Aftonomos Periochi Agiou Orous,Aftónomos Periochí Agíou Órous,Agio Oros,Agion Oros,Athos,Autonome Monastike Politeia Agiou Orous,Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain,Avtonomos Periokhi Ayiou Orous,Avtonómos Periokhí Ayíou Órous,Ayion Oros,Dhioikisis Ayiou Orous,Dhioíkisis Ayíou Órous,Hagion Oros,Holy Athonite Republic,Mont Athos,Mount Athos,Republique monastique du Mont Athos,République monastique du Mont Athos,atoseu san,Ágio Óros,Ágion Óros,Áthos,Áyion Óros,Αυτόνομη Μοναστική Πολιτεία Αγίου Όρους,아토스 산"
