如何防止打开提示消息框在鼠标光标离开目标 html 元素时消失

如标题中所述,我需要始终显示使用 opentip 创建的消息工具提示。但默认情况下,当鼠标光标离开消息框附加到的 HTML 元素时,消息框将消失。

请帮助修改下面的代码(或访问 https://jsfiddle.net/671ptukx/直接编辑代码(以达到上述效果。 提前非常感谢你。

var myOpentip = new Opentip($("#targetTag"),"Need to prevent this tooltip message from disappearing when mouse leaves the "Example Text" area",{target:"#targetTag", tipJoint: "top" ,background:"wheat",showOn: 'creation'});

var myOpentip = new Opentip($("#targetTag"),"Need to prevent this tooltip message from disappearing when mouse leaves the "Example Text" area",{target:"#targetTag", tipJoint: "top" ,background:"wheat",showOn: 'creation',

target: true,
fixed: true,
hideTrigger: "closeButton"});

