
我有一个问答游戏,每个类别有 5 个问题。我想在用户按正确答案或错误答案时添加音频。我怎样才能使当我按下错误或正确的答案时,音频文件会播放?

这是我在问题场景中运行的 levelcontrolscript2 的代码。

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class LevelControlScript2 : MonoBehaviour 
// Get references to game objects that should be disabled and enabled
// at the start
GameObject[] toEnable, toDisable;
// References to game objects that should be enabled
// when correct or incorrect answer is given
private int triesLeft = 2;    // Set this to 1 (leave after second) or 
whatever when a level starts 
public GameObject correctSign, incorrectSign, incorrectSign2;
// Variable to contain current scene build index
int currentSceneIndex; 
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Getting current scene build index
currentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene ().buildIndex;
// Finding game objects with tags "ToEnable" and "ToDisable"
toEnable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("ToEnable");
toDisable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("ToDisable");
// Disabling game objects with tag "ToEnable"
foreach (GameObject element in toEnable)
element.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Method is invoked when correct answer is given
public void RightAnswer()
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
element.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Turn on "correct" sign
correctSign.gameObject.SetActive (true);
// Invoke GotoMainMenu method in 1 second
Invoke ("LoadNextLevel", 1f);

// Method is invoked if incorrect answer is given
public void WrongAnswer()
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
element.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Turn on "incorrect" sign
incorrectSign.SetActive (true);
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
element.gameObject.SetActive (true);
if(triesLeft <= 0)
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
element.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Turn on "incorrect" sign
incorrectSign2.SetActive (true);
// Invoke GotoMainMenu method in 1 second
Invoke ("GotoCategories", 1f);

// Method loads next level depending on current scenes build index
void LoadNextLevel()
SceneManager.LoadScene (currentSceneIndex + 1);
// Method loads Category scene
void GotoCategories()
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Easy");


public class LevelControlScript2 : MonoBehaviour
// Get references to game objects that should be disabled and enabled
// at the start
GameObject[] toEnable, toDisable;
// References to game objects that should be enabled
// when correct or incorrect answer is given
private int triesLeft = 2;    // Set this to 1 (leave after second) or whatever when a level starts
public GameObject correctSign, incorrectSign, incorrectSign2;
public AudioSource _audioSource;
public AudioClip _incorrect;
public AudioClip _correct;
// Variable to contain current scene build index
int currentSceneIndex;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Getting current scene build index
currentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
// Finding game objects with tags "ToEnable" and "ToDisable"
toEnable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ToEnable");
toDisable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ToDisable");
// Disabling game objects with tag "ToEnable"
foreach (GameObject element in toEnable)
// Method is invoked when correct answer is given
public void RightAnswer()
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
// Turn on "correct" sign
_audioSource.clip = _correct;

// Invoke GotoMainMenu method in 1 second
Invoke("LoadNextLevel", 1f);

// Method is invoked if incorrect answer is given
public void WrongAnswer()
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
// Turn on "incorrect" sign
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
if (triesLeft <= 0)
// Disabling game objects that are no longer needed
foreach (GameObject element in toDisable)
// Turn on "incorrect" sign
_audioSource.clip = _incorrect;
// Invoke GotoMainMenu method in 1 second
Invoke("GotoCategories", 1f);

// Method loads next level depending on current scenes build index
void LoadNextLevel()
SceneManager.LoadScene(currentSceneIndex + 1);
// Method loads Category scene
void GotoCategories()

因此,基本上将正确和不正确的音频剪辑分配给_incorrect_correct这些变量。然后,您需要将音频源附加到场景中的游戏对象,并将其分配给脚本。然后就说_audioSource.Play().这应该允许您播放所需的剪辑。更多详细信息位于 Unity 手册中有关AudioSourceAudioClip设置的内容。上述答案在您只是播放音频剪辑的情况下起作用。




private IEnumerator MyCoroutine(float clipLength)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(clipLength);
//activate your gameobject here

