C++ Catch 是否有类似 NUnit 的测试用例的东西,具有多个参数/输入选项

NUnit 具有以下功能,您可以在其中为 TestCase 属性的测试指定不同的值。Catch有类似的东西吗?

public void DivideTest(int n, int d, int q)
Assert.AreEqual( q, n / d );

我需要使用不同的数据值运行相同的单元测试,但每个单元测试都是不同的单元测试。我可以复制/粘贴 TEST_CASE/SECTION 并更改值,但有没有一种干净的方法可以像 NUnit 那样做到这一点。

我发现甚至很难弄清楚要搜索什么。Catch 使用 TEST_CASE 进行单元测试,这与 NUnit 所谓的 TestCase 完全不同。


#include "catch.hpp"
// A test function which we are going to call in the test cases
void testDivision(int n, int d, int q)
// we intend to run this multiple times and count the errors independently
// so we use CHECK rather than REQUIRE
CHECK( q == n / d );
TEST_CASE( "Divisions with sections", "[divide]" ) {
// This is more cumbersome but it will work better
// if we need to use REQUIRE in our test function
SECTION("by three") {
testDivision(12, 3, 4);
SECTION("by four") {
testDivision(12, 4, 3);
SECTION("by two") {
testDivision(12, 2, 7); // wrong!
SECTION("by six") {
testDivision(12, 6, 2);
TEST_CASE( "Division without Sections", "[divide]" ) {
testDivision(12, 3, 4);
testDivision(12, 4, 3);
testDivision(12, 2, 7); // oops...
testDivision(12, 6, 2); // this would not execute because
// of previous failing REQUIRE had we used that
TEST_CASE ("Division with loop", "[divide]")
struct {
int n;
int d;
int q;
} test_cases[] = {{12,3,4}, {12,4,3}, {12,2,7},
for(auto &test_case : test_cases) {
testDivision(test_case.n, test_case.d, test_case.q);
