

public class A{}
public class B extends A{}
public class main()
  A thing = new B();

这称为多态性。如果您有另一个名为 C extends A 的类,则可以创建一个List<A>并将BC放在那里。然后你可以迭代它们并调用通用方法等。


interface Animal { void feed();}
class Dog implements Animal { public void feed() { /* feed a dog (give it a cat) */ }}
class Cat implements Animal { public void feed() { /* feed a cat (give it a bird) */ }}
class Cow implements Animal { public void feed() { /* feed a cow (give it some grass) */ }}
// Now I have some animals mixed somewhere (note that I am allowed to have the array declaring a supertype (Animal), and it can contain many kind of different animals)
Animal[] manyAnimals = new Animal[]{ new Dog(), new Cat(), new Cow() };
// I can feed them all without knowing really what kind of Animal they are. I just know they are all Animal, and they will all provide a feed() method.
for(Animal some : manyAnimals) { some.feed(); }



