如何计算与任意两个圆 SVG 边缘的最小距离


circle {
fill: orange;
<svg transform="translate(0, 22)">
<circle class="point" cx="121.78235294117647" cy="13.200000000000001" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.047]"></circle>
<circle class="point" cx="125.2764705882353" cy="30.28235294117647" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.042]"></circle>
<circle class="point" cx="112.8529411764706" cy="30.67058823529412" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.037]"></circle>
<circle class="point" cx="103.53529411764706" cy="32.22352941176471" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.047]">


function distanceOfPoints(p0, p1) {
let dx = p0.x - p1.x;
let dy = p0.y - p1.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
function distanceOfCircles(cen0, rad0, cen1, rad1) {
// if the circles intersect, our distance might be negative
return Math.max(0, distanceOfPoints(cen0, cen1) - rad0 - rad1);




编辑:水平和垂直距离值不必为正数,因为它们无论如何都会在下一步中平方(感谢@Jan Schultke的建议(。

const circle1 = {
x: 13,      // horizontal center coordinate
y: 4,       // vertical center coordinate
radius: 5
const circle2 = {
x: 9,      // horizontal center coordinate
y: 24,       // vertical center coordinate
radius: 3
function minimumDistance(circle1, circle2) {
const horizontalDistance = circle1.x - circle2.x;
const verticalDistance = circle1.y - circle2.y;
const distanceBetweenCenter = Math.sqrt(horizontalDistance**2 + verticalDistance**2);  // pythagoras
return distanceBetweenCenter - circle1.radius - circle2.radius;
console.log(minimumDistance(circle1, circle2));


我的回答更像是基于@Spark Fountain和@Jan Schultke伟大答案的问题。这些概念是他们的。


// find our distance between two svg circles by id
function distance(circle1,circle2) {
// get our specified circles by id
let c1 = document.getElementById(circle1);
let c2 = document.getElementById(circle2);

// circle one attributes
c1 = {
x: c1.getAttribute("cx"),
y: c1.getAttribute("cy"),
r: c1.getAttribute("r")
// circle two attributes
c2 = {
x: c2.getAttribute("cx"),   
y: c2.getAttribute("cy"),
r: c2.getAttribute("r")

// lets work out each x and y axis distance
// not too worry about negative values
let x = c1.x - c2.x;
let y = c1.y - c2.y;

// lets work out the hypotenuse between x and y using pythagoras
// negative x or y values become absolute when squared
let distance = Math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2);

// now minus the radius of both circles from our distance
// to equal the distance from the edge of the circles
// math.max largest of zero or more incase circles overlap
distance = Math.max(0, distance - c1.r - c2.r);

console.log('distance between circle ' + circle1 + ' and ' + circle2 + ' is ' + distance);

// return the distance
return distance;

// check your console for distance
<svg transform="translate(0, 22)">
<circle id="1" class="point" cx="121.78235294117647" cy="13.200000000000001" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.047]"></circle>
<circle id="2" class="point" cx="125.2764705882353" cy="30.28235294117647" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.042]"></circle>
<circle id="3" class="point" cx="112.8529411764706" cy="30.67058823529412" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.037]"></circle>
<circle id="4" class="point" cx="103.53529411764706" cy="32.22352941176471" r="3.1058823529411765" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="1" data-values="[0.047]"></circle>
